Over one hundred million animals are experimented subjects annually (Peta 2). Mice, rats, guinea pigs, …show more content…
Animals are used for experimenting because they have many similarities with the human population. For example, humans and animal have similar organ and skin systems. Because of the similar systems animals are more likely to react to a product just as any human would. Thus, humans find it necessary to test on a population that is less costly to them out of desperation, which is hardly a justifiable excuse at all.
According to, Knight Rovida the proposed safe cosmetics and personal care products act of 2013 calls for a new evaluation program for cosmetic ingredients in the US, with the new assessments initially dependent on expanded animal testing. This shows how much of an advantage animal testing has been. In order for products to be sold the expansion of experimenting increases and money can be made.
On the pro side animal testing has contributed too many lifesaving cures and treatments. Dogs were experimented on for the discovery of insulin which saves the lives of diabetics. The vaccines of polio reduced the global occurrence of the disease from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 223 cases in 2012. According to Loria Cervera, the use of wild rodents as experimental models has been prospered as a good alternative for studying the host-pathogen relationships and for testing candidate vaccines. Therefore, vaccines can be used today because of animal testing and lower the chance of the human population becoming …show more content…
Breast cancer, malaria, tuberculosis brain injury, and many other conditions as such are treated more effectively because of animal tests. The outcomes of these tests lessen the chance for the disease to spread and become worst.
Animal research seems to benefit the human population however everything isn’t always one hundred percent effective. There are many disadvantages to animal experimenting. According to the Animal Welfare Act also known as the AWA, ninety-five percent of animals used in experiments are not protected during these harmful tests. Rats, mice fish and birds are mostly used in this research, which makes up ninety-five percent of the animals used. Using animals that aren’t covered makes these creatures very vulnerable to mistreatment and unprotected abuse.
Another disadvantage from animal experimenting is that animals can suffer just like humans. Believe it or not there are many products that lead to death of both humans and animals. Suffering is something that isn’t desired by anyone. Animals are discriminated upon because they really don’t have a say so on whether or not they agree to being tested on. Unlike humans animals that are tested don’t have moral judgment so the ability of having a choice isn’t permitted to these unique