Animal Cruelty: A Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

Improved Essays
Josse Adame
The topic I found most interesting to research is animal cruelty. I chose this topic because i want to get more knowledge about why people tend to hurt animals and what their purpose is. Every day in our community I see all types of animals going through torture and suffering. I want to understand why people think it is ok to kill or hurt an animal for their benefit. Why would someone want an animal part as a souvenir when they can just make the species larger? Do they gain popularity? Does is somehow make them richer? This problem has been going on all around the globe. Animals in Africa, South America, and other countries are now going extinct because people think it is ok to capture and tame or search and destroy them.
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Norway, India, and Israel are all anti animal testing places. There are countries that are bearly looking into animal testing and realizing how cruel and unfair it is to test on animals and make them suffer. Places like the U.S, New Zealand, and Australia are all places late to act for animals and are in fact very popular hunting grounds. This means that people have license to kill and hunt not just for survival but for fun and entertainment. These countries are trying to set a ban for animal testing but haven’t really enforced it. According to, “‘European Union regulators announced a ban on the import and sale of cosmetics containing ingredients tested on animals and to pledge more efforts to push other parts of the world, like China, to accept alternatives’” (Kantamneni). In Vasant Kunj, India, there has been more animal abuse cases filed than any other country in the middle east. It is one of the few states who has also illegalized animal testing and animal trade cosmetics. To me this is very confusing because they banned animal testing but still abuse all of their animals. The state banned animal trade and testing back in 2014. To this day it is very cruel to their stray animals and birds, they feed them poisoned water or just beat them in public. “Every day, 150 cases are filed in Delhi where someone has poisoned the neighbour 's dog, mixed harmful chemicals in drinking water meant for pigeons. Around 300 cases are not registered with the police”(Gauri Maulekhi). This is still unacceptable because animals are still being abused and killed. How is a country going to illegalize animal testing and still have the highest animal abuse case in the world. This shows that countries only want to stop something temporarily or for media

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