Matthew R. Bailey, in his newspaper article “It's Time to End Ineffective And Cruel Animal Testing” (2017), the author argues that testing drugs on animals is ineffective and claims animal lovers favor research that saves animals lives instead of killing them. In order for Bailey to get his point across, he states “Testing drugs on animals is notoriously ineffective. Not only do laboratory animals suffer from confinement and research procedures, but because they present different biologies and physiologies, different species (and even breeds within a species) respond differently to various substances. Making the jump from …show more content…
The authors support their assertion by providing examples of needing animal experimentation for testing drugs and because some animal species are very similar to humans— genetical — so animals should continue to be tested, concluding “public opinion must be made aware that hypotheses in the biomedical field is just as likely to fail as in any other field of research. Only continuing trial- and -error to understand errors will show the best way to reach a goal” (34). The authors statement is necessary because in order to judge animal experimentation you must understand it from both sides— in order for researchers to progress even further they must continue trials and errors during animal experimentations. Their purpose is to make readers aware of the benefits of researching animals by animal experimentation from a researcher’s perspective, rather than just what is on the media. The authors establish a relationship of enlightenment with their audience of animal enthusiasts to show how essential animal experimentation is and that research thrives on “trial and error” …show more content…
Monamy suggest how dangerous animal experimentation can be, by the amount of research is done on animal, for example— “Acute toxicity consisting of the administration of a single dose of a chemical at a concentration great enough to produce toxic effects and death. An example of such tests is the lethal dose 50 (LD50) test in which 50 percent of the subjects in the experimental sample are expected to die” (60). His purpose is to make readers aware of the dangers of animal experimentation, in order for people to know what kind of research animals are being conducted in — while knowing the likelihood that some animals won’t survive the experiment —like the LD50 experiment. He establishes a relationship with animal lovers and warns them of the gruesome dangers experiments being done on