World Anti-Doping Agency

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    Introduction In this report I will be examining the topic of Drugs and Doping in Sport and whether the Australian Legal System needs to be re-evaluated to accommodate for the ever expanding list of performance enhancing drugs that are being identified and evaluated by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority to be unfair to the sport and its morals. The purpose of this report is to identify the problems in the current legal system and the focus of this report is on the establishment and effectiveness of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority that was established in section 20 of the Australian Sport Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 (Cth) (refer to appendix part A), who is effected, how and whether the current legal system deals fairly…

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    In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, the entire Russian track and field team was suspended and at least 120 athletes at the Rio Olympics were previously suspended for doping, and 31 of these athletes won medals in Rio (Halchin & Rollins, 2016; Aisch &Lai, 2016). The Rio Olympic Games was hosted during August 5th to August 21th in 2016. Although the Olympics was a celebrating event for the people all over the world, doping issues still aroused widespread concerns. The aim of the paper is to explain the…

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    According to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), a substance is banned if it meets two of the three following criteria; the potential for enhancing performance, the potential for detriment to health, and violation of the spirit of sport. However, if an athlete has a medical condition that requires them to take the medication, the athlete must apply for an exemption. The World Anti-Doping Agency have a prohibited list which contains; five classes of prohibited substances, three prohibited methods of…

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    10, 2016 Doping in Sports In the 2012 London Olympic Games, more than half of the athletes were disqualified for taking banned substances. They were caught taking drugs such as steroids and human growth hormone (HGH). Athletes should not dope because it ruins their career, as well as their bodies and the integrity of the sport that they play. Performing enhancing drugs are any substance taken by athletes specifically to improve their athletic performance. There are many different…

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  • Superior Essays

    The controversial topic of performance enhancing drugs are still in discussion today. Some believe that they’re good to use, while others believe they give an unfair advantage to the sport being played. A performance enhancing drug is any substance taken by athletes to improve performance. Typically, well-known athletes are the ones to use performance enhancing drugs. Performance enhancing drugs are used by multiple athletes of every sports across the world. Therefore, the athletes who use PEDs…

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  • Superior Essays

    Ethics Of Doping In Sports

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    Doping in Elite Sport the new Ethical Norm: Athletes Conceptual Influences towards Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs Doping has been present in sport since professional competition began and can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks. In the last century, doping has escalated as a problem due to the physical advantages it gives athletes and the health risks it imposes (Derse & Wilson, 2001). For doping prevention to have any success it is essential support staff establish boundaries and…

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    athletes to take substances that are otherwise prohibited, as long as their medical prescription is declared in advance (Article 4.4WADC)” (Anderson 143). The WADA’s Prohibited list of Substances and Methods did not fully ban the use of drugs in sports, athletes had to have prove that it was medically prescribed. there are other reasons why all drugs may not be completely ban .The illicit drug ban is not an all year round ban like performance-enhancing drugs, they are only ban during in season…

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    What’s a sport valued for without having a true player? The spirit of sport has been classified and has been known to be the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is characterized by the following values: ethics, fair play and honesty; health; excellence in performance; character and education; fun and joy; teamwork; dedication and commitment; respect for rules and laws; respect for self and other participants; courage; community and solidarity. Reasoning to many programs why…

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    Sport Doping Essay

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    Within the past three decades the world of sports has developed into multi-billion dollar business, with franchises and individual athlete’s signing sponsorship deals and TV rights contracts worth millions. This has put immense pressure onto the shoulders of athlete’s, sports clubs and national sporting federations to succeed, win major titles and gold medals. This increase in pressure has caused coaches, and athlete’s to make the decision to take performance enhancing drugs to attempt to…

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    Olympic drug testing in international athletes is a huge topic on todays Olympic games. A lot of opinions are shared and a lot of problems are to be dealt with. Performance enhancing drugs should be legal to provide better and faster healing, but anti-doping efforts should be betterly enforced for fairness of competitions and legitimacy of gold medal winnings. With the various arguments against doping or with doping, you can 't deny the fact that there are many perils of using performance…

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