William Rehnquist

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    history’s prominent figures. Two men in particular, Earl Warren and William Rehnquist ruled the American legal and political scene for nearly 35 years. Warren, serving from 1953-1969, presided over landmark cases of segregation (Brown v. Board of Education) and criminal rights (Miranda v. Arizona); Rehnquist, who is the fourth-longest serving chief justice in court history (1986-2005), steered the Court to a more conservative approach and presided over the nation’s second presidential impeachment trial. The two men alike made their mark on the lives of Americans and the stories of their reign over the court are as…

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    William Rehnquist was born on Oct 1, 1924 in Milwaukee, WI to his parents William and Margery Rehnquist. From an early age he embraced his family’s respect towards Republican Party leaders such as Herbert Hoover and Robert Taft (Biography, 2005). After graduating high school, Rehnquist attended Kenyon College for one year before entering the Army Air Corps during World War II from 1943 to 1946. Upon completion of his military service, he attended the University of Stanford where he earned a…

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    treatment. Nancy Cruzan’s life support was continued and the parent’s of Cruzan appealed to the United States Supreme Court (“Cruzan v Director”, par 2-5). The Cruzan’s case was brought before the Rehnquist Court. William Colby argued for the petitioners, Cruzan’s parents, in this case. They went against Kenneth Starr, who argued for the United States. The case was argued on December 6th, 1989 (“Oyez”, p1). The question soon became: did the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment permit…

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    7. What did the U.S. Supreme Court decide in the Rowley Case? In the case of Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School v. Rowley, the court decided that a child is not entitled to a public education unless he or she can benefit from it (Essex, 2016). In a decision 6–3, the Supreme Court reversed the Second Circuit’s decision. Justice William Rehnquist argued that “the intent of the Act (Education for All Handicapped Children Act) was more to open the door of public education to…

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    Law and Order Supreme Court justice could be called the most prestigious law job in America. Justices make some of the most important decisions for the United States, and once appointed they serve for life, or until they step down. Unfortunately, there is no definite time when a justice’s “life term” will come to an end, and Justice Antonin Scalia’s suddenly ended earlier this year. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly this year during a hunting trip in Texas at age 79. Scalia was…

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    On August 8, 1974, President Richard Nixon became the first President to resign from his position. He was facing impeachment and criminal trial for the Watergate Scandal. With no where to turn and his options run out, Nixon gave his last speech as President, where he resigned and apologized to the nation. Nixon’s resignation speech does not meet the expectations of a fitting response, as defined by Lloyd Bitzer, for the rhetorical situation he was in following the Watergate scandal. Nixon…

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    Boy Scouts Case Study

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    Public Accommodations Law, so it was questioned if the First and Fourteenth Amendments were broke or if the Public Accommodations Law was broke. “The Massachusetts State Court ordered the Veterans' Council to include GLIB under a state law prohibiting discrimination on account of sexual orientation in public accommodations. The Veterans' Council claimed that forced inclusion of GLIB members in their privately-organized parade violated their free speech” (Hurley). The unanimous decision was in…

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    2 Cheng Xinnan Cheng POLT 202 - 02 Prof. Kahn Dec. 6, 2016 Prompt 6 (slippery slope) Slippery Slope: Legitimate Reasoning of the Supreme Court The slippery slope is a metaphoric way to describe undesirable possible future as a consequence of today 's event. When the Supreme Court is dealing with a new implied fundamental right, the slippery slope argument was employed to state possible disastrous consequences due to the Court 's specific decision, more specifically, whether or not to…

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    Case: Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart 427 U.S. 539 Decision: 9-0, delivered by Chief Justice Burger Facts: Erwin Charles Simants was a suspect of sexual assault and the murdering six members of the Kellie family in their home in Sutherland, Nebraska. Simants had confessed to law enforcement officers and had disclosed information to other private parties. This murder attracted attention to the town from local and nation news broadcasters. Simants’ attorney and the county attorney met before…

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    Chief Justice Rehnquist was appointed by Richard Nixon, in part as a response to the Warren Court’s liberal streak, which he used as a campaign issue. During his confirmation he was met with controversy as it became apparent he in fact disagreed with the precedent set in Borwn v. Board of Education. As an associate Justice he began as states’ rights advocate, which often not only placed Rehnquist not only in the minority, but as a lone dissenter. As time wore on the Court began to become more…

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