Tavus hooked his thumbs in his belt and flashed a toothy smile. “People, this is the new sergeant I mentioned. Ranked first in the Academy in Forward Assault, Search and Destroy, and Advanced Recon. It’s good to have you, Sergeant.” “It’s a real pleasure to meet you all.” She made eye contact with each one and wondered what codename they would come up with for her, or if she even wanted to know. Seemed almost a requirement to have one. That seemed to mollify the commander. “Now, the reason we’re all here: A Republic transport, carrying among its cargo a ZR-57 orbital strike bomb, crashed into northern Avilatan six days ago. Recovery unit sent a team, but they were too late. Separatist forces had already stolen the transport’s cargo, including the ZR-57, and fled.” Fynta had heard of those, but it was only in whispered passing. Which meant they were serious weapons. “What are the ZR-57’s capabilities, sir?” She felt the need to get up to speed quickly. Tavus directed the question to Fuse, “The ZR-57 is, well, it’s serious hardware, you know? I mean, it can pretty much vaporize the whole island. So we’d better get it back or, well, BOOM.” Somehow, BOOM didn’t sound that menacing when said in that soft voice. “We’re investigating several leads to the bomb’s location, but the one I’d like you to look into, Sergeant, comes from a Republic spy name Bellis.” The others stepped aside slightly to allow her access to the commander. She made sure to stand away from Wraith or…
He got up from his corner and helped patch up the troops. For most of them, there was nothing he could do. The only person that could help them was the Recovery Unit. “Okay, everybody.” Howard commanded, “Get on the truck, we can treat you there and hurry home.”. Ash started helping the injured troops onto the trucks and let the Recovery unit do their thing. Once everyone was on board, he hopped on and the truck started moving. He sat down near the front and looked back at the wounded soldiers.…
This paper will discuss how Airpower across the services can continue to be innovative amidst the face of budget and manpower cuts. Areas for innovative improvements include technological enhancements, manpower adjustments,…
Mission Command An army officer who in charge of leading military mission must understand that his commanding style contribute a lot for success in battlefield. The typical way through which an officer is more successful which will be discussed through the entire of this paper is the mission command system. This decentralized command system increases the performance of the commander at a wide range. In fact, this evolving concept, which also suit the current operational environment, suffer from…
They include areas such as training of the army, military needs funding, weapons operations cost and maintenance, payment of salaries, health care of the uniformed and civilian personnel. Other areas include maintenance of the arms, equipment and facilities, funds process and more importantly purchase on new material (Brzoska & Michael 45). The allocation finances for arms of the U.S. military: The Marine, Air Force, and Army. SIPRI found out that the U.S. military was the biggest exporter of…
military. I will review the branches of the armed forces, the chain of command, jobs that are available and how the military pay system works. I will also describe benefits and the drawbacks of joining…
The world is experiencing rapid changes in the security sector and this has alarmed the United States Army to seek various ways through which it can transform itself to meet the global security needs. More operations have been carried out in the previous decade and therefore this is a clear evidence that global environment is changing and even tighter operations shall be required in the near future. In this regard, the position of the US Army could be best understood using the contemporary…
America’s Army 3 is video game designed by the United States military. It is a first person shooter game, in which players compete in multiplayer missions in a fictional conflict. In the game, the fictional Czervenian government has started a war, creating a refugee crisis. The US Army has been sent in to intervene and prevent a humanitarian crisis (America’s). The game was created by the US Army to serve as a recruiting tool, so the target audience is a teenage male. Their intent in creating…
I want to become a Marine Corps Officer because I believe it takes something else, something great to lead the best and most aggressive fighting force in the world. Marine Corps Officers are the epitome of a great Marine and have to have certain personality traits that distinguish themselves from others and label them as leaders. My father raised me with the mentality that ideals such as integrity and sacrifice are more important in a man than materialistic objects and bad morals. Growing up, I…
Marines are mentally and physically strong. Marines are always ready for combat in any type of situation there in. Marines have outstanding leadership. The job of marines are protecting their country by learning combat skills. Marines go to combat in any type of weather. Marines learn leaderships skills, the marines corps can take an person of extraordinary, strength, resolve, and sense of purpose. Marines corps training seems superhuman achievement to most civilians. The cost of being a marine,…