Strontium Isotope ratios are used in archaeology to track human migration.86Sr abundance is constant, but 87Sr forms through decay of 87Rb in rock. Rock age and initial Rb/Sr ratios vary geographically, making87Sr/86Sr a location tracer. Strontium, weathered from bedrock into groundwater then taken up by flora and fauna, can substitute for Ca in tooth enamel. Enamel only forms during childhood, specifically the early first and second molars mineralize during early childhood; the third molar during late childhood/adolescence. Thus 87Sr/86Sr ratios reveal where individuals grew up. Archaeological samples are precious and scarce; mass spectrometers are ideally suited for measuring isotope ratios in such samples. It was hypothesized that individuals…
Identifying and knowing the compatibility of a fish is an important aspect to know when deciding where to place it. There are many different types of fish but it is easy to identify what the fish is, based on its physical appearance. Also, based on the appearance it is easy to determine whether it is ancient or modern. Compatibility is a key aspect to meet the fishes needs and safety. Identifying fish is based on what physical appearances the fish may have and what tanks they are separated…
I am often struck by how often people throw around the words “I’m sorry” without giving much thought as to what these two small words actually mean. I do not know if you have really thought about the true meaning of them, so I would like to point them out. I’m sorry, means I am sorry; but, are you really? Sorry when we look it up in the dictionary means: wretched, useless, or pitiful. Now, do you want to hook up the phrase I am with that? I personally, feel that I have value and therefore…
Introduction Paragraph Israel Rosen, a male who passed away to the 1911 factory fire. Israel was 17 years old at the time of the factory fire. Israel was born in Russia and lived in the united states for 3 years and he was a union member. After Israel Rosen’s death, he was buried at Mt Zion Cemetery on March 31st, 1911. In my essay, I will be blaming the factory owners. I am blaming the factory owners because I feel like the factory owners are the cause of the 146 deaths. I say this because…
O Pioneers and Ethan Frome are two classic, exciting novels. Even though the two plots of these stories aren’t much alike, the have similarities so often, it’s eerie. From the cold, harsh winter that the stories take place in, to the fact that they were written 2 years apart (1911 - 1913). These stories were not meant to relate at all, but the more you read, the more similarities you may find throughout both books. I find it funny that the similarities are not more recognised in the reading…
The Profiriato (1876-1911), Mexico was in debt due to the war that went for years. No foreign countries invested in Mexico. Profiriato Diaz had to attract foreign investors by the advancememt in technology, transportation, and labor systems. Many upper elites and middle-class citizens benefited, but the Mexican lower classes suffered. Reform laws were established which benefited the elites and companies. Upper-class elites expropriated the Mexican lower-class lands that led them to migrate to…
In her realist novel, Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton strategically crafts a story that highlights the contrast between two opposing archetypal images, winter and darkness versus summer and light, in order to draw forth a comparison between the effect that both Zeena, Ethan’s wife, and Mattie, Ethan’s love interest, have on Ethan. Zeena’s stark personality and depressive aura causes her to exemplify the desolate qualities of winter, dragging Ethan into a life classified by lonely days and even…
With bountiful snowfall and harsh winters, Edith Wharton establishes an inhospitable setting for her piece of literature, Ethan Frome, which gives the book a frigid and depressing atmosphere. The cold nature of the book explains the protagonist’s, Ethan Frome’s, need to search for companionship in other people. The fear of existing alone and forgotten in the gelid winter appears to be too much to bear for Ethan Frome. He pounces on the first opportunity that arises and marries his mother’s…
As women started to realize that they were always taken advantage of and were treated unfair, the country again started to see a rise in women’s involvement after 1911. Young women from around the country began to advocate workers’ rights and especially women’s rights. Prior to the fire, women were treated like trash by being paid little money for their labor and they had to work in nasty, unsanitary conditions. This caused the Factory Investigating Commission to take an interest in factory…
The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire was the deadliest industrial accident in history of New York City and the fourth deadliest in U.S. history (Riggs, 2015). On Saturday, March 25, 1911, 500 workers were present that day at the Triangle Company they had begun to put away their work away and began gathering their coats and belongings for the 4:45 p.m. quitting time. Approximately 4:30 p.m. the cry of fire was heard on the eight floor. One hundred forty six lives were taken by the fire most of…