Yorkshire Terriers Yorkshire terriers, or Yorkies, have been around since the early 1800s. They fall under the terrier family, hence the name. They originate from England. Around that time, they were used for small-vermin hunting. Nowadays, they are used mainly as companion animals and can live anywhere between 14-16 years. The Yorkshire terriers’ heritage can be noticed by its size, intelligence, confidence and sharpness. Yorkies have quite a small stature. Both males and females can be anywhere between eight to nine inches tall and weigh under seven pounds. Despite their compact size, Yorkies are pretty oblivious to the fact that they are not very big and they are always ready for adventure and trouble. They make great companion animals…
1. Airedale Terrier. Airedale Terrier is the largest of all terriers earning it the nickname of the “King of all Terriers.” The breed originated in Yorkshire, specifically the Aire Valley. It was primarily used to catch otters and rats between the Aire and Wharfe rivers. Aside from being one of the big dogs that don’t shed, the Airedale terrier is very important in terms of being a war dog in World War I. It is also confident, outgoing, and intelligent making it a great sports dog. 2. Bouvier…
In the past, The Pitbull Terrier was bred to be a companion and family dog. In present day, the Pitbull Terrier is oftentimes referred to as the “demon dog” because of misconceptions and bad press. Stories have dominated the news and social media of killer dogs with little being said in their defense. The Pitbull Terrier breed is undeniably at stake and the prejudice seen against this breed is seen more and more as time goes on. The dominant conversation of the Pitbull Terrier involves the…
**Origin: The Boston Terrier is one of American's native breeds. Robert C. Hooper of Boston Massachusetts purchased a dog, that had been imported from England, from William O'Brian. This dog was known as Judge or Hooper's Judge. He was a cross breed between a English Bulldog and a White English Terrier. His head was squared and blocky and he had a nearly even mouth. Judge weighed about 32 pounds and was rather tall stationed. His color was dark brindle. **By the year 1891, the Boston Terrier was…
Biases are present in our everyday lives and they are everywhere. It was very easy to think of a situation in which I witnessed bias attitudes and saw how these attitudes had an effect on people’s lives (or animal lives). I am going to use the example of breed discrimination against the Pit Bull Terrier. Just about any situation involving the Pit Bull Terrier has been full of biases and assumptions. I have had Pit Bulls as pets my whole life; therefore, I am no stranger to these biases. I have…
The American pit-bull terrier origin begins in the early 1700s in Ireland and England where the breed was first discovered. Before it became the American pit-bull terrier, its original name was the Staff shire terrier. The American pit-bull terrier was a breed formed from tow distinctive dogs. The bulldog was use for the strength and muscular build of the American pit-bull terrier. The white terrier gave the American pit-bull terrier the speed, agility, and the overall bravery to be used as…
Pit bulls, the once notorious breed of dogs, way back in time, has travelled a long way from being a bull fighting dog to the care taker nanny that your kids love to be with. Although, initially, It was regarded as the national pride of England and USA, the Staffordshire bull terrier, as it was originally known, had to weather hard times, before it came to be known to as the ultimate canine gift that your kid can cherish. The Staffordshire terrier is actually a cross between a Terrier and a…
The American pit bull terrier is a well-known breed of dog for polarizing reasons. Some know them as affectionate, loyal companions; trusted around children, the elderly, and other smaller breeds of dogs. Some may even recognize the breed from recruitment flyers for WWI, as at that time the American pit bull terrier embodied American masculinity and toughness. Delise, (2007) notes the following: However, for over half a century in between, 1920–1970, millions of Bulldogs, Bull Terriers,…
Brazilian Terrier Origin The Brazilian hunting dog, normally referred to as Fox Paulistinha, may be a breed of dog developed in Brazil. it's one amongst many terriers most likely descended from the combining of the terrier with alternative little breeds.The Brazilian hunting dog is one amongst alittle few native Brazilian breeds, and also the only 1 of little size. The Brazilian hunting dog is primarily used for fellowship, little game looking, and vermin obliteration. though quite fashionable…
What comes to your mind when you think of the Pit Bull terrier? Many people think of everything that comes with their reputation, dog fighting, dog attacks, locking jaws and aggression. That is the side of the Pit Bull that many people think of, and for some people that is all they are willing to see in the breed. But that is not truly what the pit bull terrier is all about. They are so much more than what you hear in the news. Pit bulls are not deserving of their bad reputation considering…