WORD COUNT: Cy Layne Cushenberry P.O. Box 2491 Amarillo, Texas 79105 (806) 220-7616 cy.cushenberry@gmail.com SUGARTIME- THE SWEET AND STICKY LIFE OF COUNTRY MUSIC LEGEND CHARLIE “SUGARTIME” PHILLIPS BY CY CUSHENBERRY This book is dedicated to Therese Kelley and Mike Mc Millen for their love, dedication and support throughout the writing process And to Gloria Cushenberry, a woman who after every battle in life Is the first to raise the flag And rally the troops to victory And of course to Charlie Phillips, without his life This book would have never been written SUGARTIME- THE SWEET AND STICKY LIFE OF COUNTRY MUSIC LEGEND CHARLIE “SUGARTIME” PHILLIPS Contents: Prologue Sugartime: Lyrics Chapter 1: On the Road to Texas Chapter 2: Welcome to Farwell Chapter 3: Rising from…
now the scientific concepts of hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic. Hypothesis: For part 1 my hypothesis is: That the starch will diffuse across the plastic bag and react with the iodine and will have a color change to the water to imply the reaction happened. For part 2 my hypothesis is: that the potatoes will be hypotonic in the sucrose solutions, while in water the potatoes and sweat potato will be isotonic. Also the sweat potato, will be hypotonic. Procedure: For part one the…
I walked with stiff pie-encrusted legs. I was on my way to work from McKinley high school. The scene of the crime, where the miniature cherry pie took flight from Jessica Rabanne's lunch tray (and landed on my favorite jeans) to even further deepen my hatred for that lip-gloss-wearing beast. Now, I wouldn’t be so salty if she had apologized instead of complaining about the fact that her pie came into contact with my thigh. As tragic as it was, I didn’t have time to go home and change after…
The sweet pumpkin pie, the tart apple pie, and of course, the rich, chocolate ice-cream topped off the amazing meal. I glanced from face to face, privately thanking God for each family member. There were smiles everywhere, from my brother's mischievous grin, to my grandmother's heartwarming smile. I looked around the room at the decorations I had helped my mother put up. Pictures of pumpkins, still up from last Halloween, hung next to Christmas wreathes and holly. In the center of the…
“I'm so sorry, Margaret,” I said, extending my arms so the pie’s warmth and smell floated below her nose. “I know it’s not enough, but I hope it’s worth something.” I imagined Margaret thinking of all the hours I spent comforting her until she was strong enough to move on with her life. She had to forgive me, I thought, because friendship couldn’t expire from actions that weren’t even mine. She only blinked, as if I hadn't said a word. I felt like a fool. I looked at my shoes— brown Birkenstocks…
at least well enough to order pie in a way that will not have people passing judgment on their mental stability). The themes within and story behind the book from which the poem is taken, Sky Burial, offers further clues. The manic young woman may very be struggling to cope with loss. Her world has come crashing down around her and she feels between worlds. She is traumatised, possibly grieving, and her pure, concentrated emotions all run together at the surface of a…
1a. The results from Figure 1 illustrate that the control treatment of the Tomato plant, has a maximum quantum yield of Photosystem II than chilled plants. It appears that over time, the average Fv/Fm seems to be constant with no drastic changes in the levels, with values staying between the ranges of 0.7 to 0.8 Fv/Fm. On the other hand, the chilled treatment of Tomato plants begins at 0.2257 Fv/Fm at time = 0 minutes, and the last plant has a Fv/Fm value of 0.6526 when time is at 150 minutes.…
While the Great famine could not have happened without the failure of the potato crop – something beyond the control of the British Government- their subsequent response, or there lack of, to the crisis greatly contributed to the devastation caused by the blight. As evidenced by Tony Blair’s 1997 apology to the Irish people, the British Government’s policies during the Great Famine toward a country it was, on paper at least, in union with, were unforgivable. Although the Conservative government…
There were many observable factors when investigating osmosis in potatoes. Four different solutions were created (distilled water, 1% salt (NaCl), 3% salt and 5% salt. The potatoes were sliced until they were 3cm long, each test tube contained 3 strips of potato cores and a different concentration. The potato strips were weighed and the results recorded. The potato cores were left in each solution for 24 hours. Once the test results were collected the data was averaged and placed into a graph…
The great famine or the great hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. [1] Mainly the Irish were farmers and their major dependent was on farming but what changed the situation is the number of historical reasons. During the famine, approximately 1 million people died and a lot of them emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%. [2] The famine was caused by a potato disease commonly known as…