4:45pm Isiah Level 6 (Incomplete) Isiah, you showed up to every class with enthusiasm and a smile! You sucessfully demonstrated your elementary backstroke to Level 6 standard. Contiune working on your fluter kick for both your front and back stroke. Make sure you are kicking continously from your hips with your feet near the surface of the water. For your front crawl, ensure you are extending your arms in front of your head as they enter the water. For your back crawl, make sure you are continously moving your arms and keeping them straight and outside of the water. I had fun teaching you Isiah, good luck! *4:45pm Sujin Level 5 (Incomplete) Sujin, you have made some excellent progress this session and have demonstrated your whip kick to the Level 5 standard. Make sure you are kicking continously from your hips with your feet near the surface of the water. For your front crawl, ensure you are extending your arms in front of your head as they enter the water. For your back crawl, make sure you are continously moving your arms and keeping them straight and outside of the water. Contiune practicing your sculling, as it will help you in future levels. Make sure your hands are flexed and moving just below the surface. Keep up the great work! 5:15pm Karalynn Level 1 (Complete) Karalynn, you’ve shown great enthusiasm this session. Your continuous efforts have improved your strokes and endurance. Make sure you continue to kick your legs the entire time for of all your strokes, it…
Swimming is a professional sport that requires some high qualifications in fitness, commitment to training hours, etc. Many people who seek this sport are starting as amateurs and then moving to be professionals. Swimming includes many styles, such as backstroke, butterfly, etc. In this article, you will view a list of the top 10 greatest swimmers. 10- Mark Spitz Mark is deemed one of the greatest swimmers of all times. He gained 11 Olympic medals, so he is the fourth highest medalist in the…
How to Get a Good Workout in the Pool Working out in the pool might not seem like the most effective way to slim down and shape up, but a pool-based workout burns a surprising number of calories, boosts your metabolism, works every muscle in your body, and improves your over-all fitness level. Working out in the swimming pool is so effective because water provides natural resistance – as it is almost 800 times denser than air – so each movement that you make while submerged in water works your…
knew it would be a lot of hard work to stay on the team but was willing to put in the extra effort. Since I was new to competitive swimming I started off swimming in the “easiest” events. These included the 50 meter and the 100 meter freestyle. Eventually I became a substitute swimmer that would go in whatever event needed another Hobart representative. This led to me being in the 200 meter more than anything else. Most people on the team to not enjoy swimming any distance above 100 meters.…
the major course of Kinesiology was Simone Manuel’s barrier breaking swim. Simone Manuel’s 100-meter freestyle victory made her the first female African American gold medalist swimmer. Coming into the race Manuel was going to face a tough challenge going up against the Australian sisters Cate Campbell and Bronte…
Swimming has become an extremely popular and well-enjoyed sport or activity. But what most people do not know is the origin of this unique sport. Swimming can be dated all the way back to ancient times as prehistoric men had to swim in order to cross large bodies of water, but there were also many written works related swimming in the Early Modern Era and moreover, swimming eventually became a competitive sport during the 19th century. The competitiveness of swimming has translated into…
a bit differently, what might be considered successful to a six year old will vary from what it means to a 17 year old. Malcolm Gladwell, author of the book “Outliers”, defines success based on the facts of when you born, where you grew up, and what language you speak. However, I describe success differently as, work ethic, persistence, and faith. Swimming is one of my favorite sports other than basketball, I have been swimming for almost ten years. However I have never made it to…
our 400 freestyle relay and the only thing that stood in the way of winning or losing the race was me. Immediately I dove in; the sight of my opponent's feet next to me made me swim harder and faster. Coming into the fourth and last lap I used everything that I had left in me to finish strong. Right at that moment, I saw an opportunity and took advantage of it, I noticed my opponent was closing in too early. Sprinting to the wall as fast as I can, I glanced at the time score and saw a bright…
started taking swim lessons. Now fourteen and in ninth grade at PALY High School, she is on a competitive swim team and spends six days a week preparing for the meets. Something that started as just a way to ensure that she did not drown, has now become her favorite activity. Before she started swimming, Hong tried many other sports. The only other sport that she continued to play was basketball, but it did not have the same impact on her as swimming does. After only two seasons, Hong quit…
Stop wasting your time here practicing so many hours, and go make yourself useful somewhere else.” Each time her coach, would say that she would think, I don’t care what he says, I am going to reach it to nationals, win nationals, win a spot on the Olympic team and win the gold medal. Everytime he would say those determined words to her, she would work even harder and better than anybody else. Three hard and hurtful weeks passed as Katie would try even harder to win first place in all her…