Run Lola Run

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    Run Lola Run

    • 611 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Run Lola Run is a well-known German film that was released in 1998 to positive reviews. There are various filming techniques used to enhance the films story line as well as the audiences experience. Cinematography, sound and editing are important techniques that are vital to any film. The director of Run Lola Run, Tom Tykwer, beautifully blended some of these techniques to create a visually pleasing movie. To capture the story that goes along with this movie, Tykwer used multiple camera angles and editing techniques such as extreme long shots and crane shots. Each of these two things serves a purpose to help the story flow and keep the audience in the action. Besides editing and camera angles, Run Lola Run was a strange film because it had three separate climaxes within itself. Most movies only have one climax, so to me this makes Run Lola Run stand out more compared with other films.…

    • 611 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run

    • 501 Words
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    film Run Lola Run calls to question the actions and choices of individuals and how these factors alter their fates through the unique display of three separate, but similar timelines. This theme is introduced to the viewer through the beginning and end of each of Lola’s three runs, the timing of getting to Manni being the ultimate difference. Lola’s three runs not only affected Manni and herself but all the people she confronted on the way. Many of the minor character’s futures were shown during…

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  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run Themes

    • 1162 Words
    • 5 Pages

    better or worse. Or perhaps we were saved by ten seconds from a fatal car crash. In a very captivating German film, Run Lola Run, film director Tom Tykwer explores this topic of time with a great visual aesthetic. In this film, Lola, the main character, receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni who has lost one hundred-thousand German marks. If he does not find the money within twenty minutes he will have to rob a store in order to avoid punishment. So, he calls Lola to help him come up…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run Essay

    • 839 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Chance is an idea which is clearly portrayed in both texts. In the movie, 'Run Lola run', the director uses flash forwards to epitomize this idea of chance. The audience witnesses the lives change for the people that Lola bumps into on her journeys, and how their lives change each time to how Lola’s life changes. This is seen with the lady with the pram that Lola encounters each time as she begins her run. This symbolizes the unpredictability of life. Lola's destiny in each three stories, so do…

    • 839 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run Analysis

    • 1471 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Discussion Questions for “Run, Lola, Run” 1. Why do you think Tom Tykwer’s film was so extraordinarily popular, not only in Germany but throughout the world? I think the film was popular because it was a fusion of the fast-paced nature of American films with the artistic elements of German film. That makes it appreciable to several markets, worldwide. 2. The film tells the same story three times. Which elements are exactly the same each time? Which elements change? Are there any elements which…

    • 1471 Words
    • 6 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run Essay

    • 752 Words
    • 4 Pages

    This week’s movie was Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer. In this film, there was many alternative realities ranging from the main characters Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu) and Lola (Franka Potente) dying in one or vice versa with them living with circumstances being determined by the tiniest of details. The reason why they’re in this predicament is because of their, Manni and Lola, daring attempt to transfer money from a guy they know. They somehow lost the money between the targeted man and the dealer and…

    • 752 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Run Lola Run Analysis

    • 647 Words
    • 3 Pages

    1. The theme major theme running throughout Run Lola Run was the idea of multiple outcomes depending on minor changes made by the characters. This idea can be found within the butterfly/domino effect. In terms of tone, the movie was all over the place. It ranged from comedic, to dramatic, to everything in between. The purpose of this decision was to give the audience whiplash at first and then gradually acclimate them to the characters, aesthetic, and plot points within the movie. 2. At the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Symbolism In Run Lola Run

    • 701 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Run Lola Run begins with the following questions, which I would like to pose to you “Who are we?”, “Where do we come from?”, “Where are we going?”, whilst these existential questions are extremely difficult to answer individually, T.S Elliot successfully conveys his thoughts of these life questions through the quote “We shall not cease from exploration…and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started…and know the place for the first time”. Continue to ponder these questions while…

    • 701 Words
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  • Great Essays

    Run Lola Run Essay

    • 1403 Words
    • 6 Pages

    The distinctively visual text aims to show us the way we discover and understand images we see. Distinctively visual techniques are shown in both ‘run Lola run’ composed by Tom Tykwer and the movie ‘Happy death day’ directed by Christopher Landon and written by Scott Lobdell. Both of these compose use important techniques such as colours and lighting. These techniques help with highlighting the importance of both texts such as love, hope and most importantly time. Throughout the text of ‘run…

    • 1403 Words
    • 6 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Lola Run Symbolism

    • 1107 Words
    • 5 Pages

    In Run Lola Run (Tom Tykwer, 1998), one visual effect that is repeated multiple times is the transition from real life to a cartoon, like shown above. Color values, composition, and depth will be used to help discuss the role of the above still. In this particular frame the dominant colors are Lola’s red hair, green and blue clothes, and her skin color. The colors contrast the brown and black stairwell in the background. The dark stairwell seems symbolic of Lola’s journey; it seems to go deeper…

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