Run Lola Run

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Run Lola Run is a well-known German film that was released in 1998 to positive reviews. There are various filming techniques used to enhance the films story line as well as the audiences experience. Cinematography, sound and editing are important techniques that are vital to any film. The director of Run Lola Run, Tom Tykwer, beautifully blended some of these techniques to create a visually pleasing movie. To capture the story that goes along with this movie, Tykwer used multiple camera angles and editing techniques such as extreme long shots and crane shots. Each of these two things serves a purpose to help the story flow and keep the audience in the action. Besides editing and camera angles, Run Lola Run was a strange film because it had three separate climaxes within itself. Most movies only have one climax, so to me this makes Run Lola Run stand out more compared with other films. …show more content…
Her boyfriend, Manni, loses a bag of money that was worth 100,000 Deutsche Mark and must come up with the same amount of marks within 20 minutes or his boss will get him. In this movie, three difference scenarios or runs are viewed resulting in three different climaxes during the movie. Lola has no mode of transportation, so she must run across the city, come up with 100,000 marks, and bring in to Manni in 20 minutes. During each run, Lola experiences different events that have an altered outcome. In one scenario, Lola was shot and killed by a nervous police officer. The second run resulted in Manni getting hit and killed by an ambulance driving by. And the final run results in both Lola and Manni surviving plus giving his boss the marks. Each of these runs were effected by Lola receiving money from her dad or not which was the climax in each

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