Former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, is the first guest in the University of Colorado Boulder’s new speaker series on the campus. He will visit the campus on Feb. 28 through to March 1, not only will he be delivering his speech but he will also be visiting classrooms to inspire leadership throughout the CU. He will be making this speech at the Mackey Auditorium Hall and the tickets are sold out. Robert Gates is well-known for being the Secretary of Defense for eight different presidents, starting with Jimmy Carter and ending with Barack Obama. According to Daily Camera, Gates served under Obama even though a political opposite, George W. Bush, appointed him to the position. He is also known for being a huge advocate for leadership. His latest book, A Passion for Leadership: Lessons on Change and Reform from Fifty Years of Public Service, dives deep into his experience with five decades of experience with leadership. He has also written three memoirs which include personal experiences from Iraq and Afghanistan to details of his CIA career. Although he is no longer involved in politics anymore, he has made headlines for an endorsement of Donald Trump’s defense secretary, James Mattis. America is as on edge as ever with the election and…
In the book, “Duty, Memoirs of a Secretary of State”, former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates describes his experiences as Secretary of State while serving for two Presidential Administrations from 2006-2011. This Paper will analyze former Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates, as a strategic leader in two specific areas: his ability to build consensus and unite the Military and Congress with a unifying strategic approach to the war in Iraq during his first year (2006-2007) under President…
According to Kusy and Holloway (2010), there are four strategies a leader can implement at the team level to prevent and reduce toxicity in the organization. These four strategies include selecting the right team members in the first place, translating your organizational values to the team level, engaging leaders to integrate values within teams, and finally conducting a 360-degree team assessment (Kusy & Holloway, 2010). General Shelton was clear that effective and involved leadership was an…
involved in them and they impact your life on a daily basis. Infact your very success, fulfillment or survival on this plane of existence depend on them - spiritual Gates. The addiction or problem that someone is going through might be as a result of a simple or negligible, yet destructive access made available at that gate. It could be as a result of bad association, marriage, divorce, friendship and bad parenting. It can also be because of love of money, a fling, inordinate experimentation,…
Though the thought of going to this place made me extremely uneasy. Second, I packed up my gear and got in the truck with him. Formerly, on a daily basis, Drew and I go out in the county and set traps to catch mosquitos, eventually, to find areas with mosquitos positive with West Nile disease, meanwhile, I never would have thought we would go to a place like this though. When we arrived at the voodoo village, as we got closer to Mary Angela road, my nerves became more and more uneasy. The…
flowers intertwined like branches or vines. The presence of the fountain and the garden lead to the apt observation that the setting is indeed, that of a garden. Obscured from one’s view, behind the gates which separate the stage and the verdant background, is a man reclining on the grass rather blithely, looking upwards. Last but not least, two men stand in front of a second set of gates in the foreground, hunched over and seemingly haggard, but sincerely serving their duties as guards.…
the participants and communicate with you. You will see, know and understand this creature as your magical ally and it will become your familiar if you so choose. C) After feasting on the goats and making contact with the Chupacabra/Mi-go we will banish with laughter. Quick run down, open the gates, tie up the goats and charge them with goat god form energies, group invocation of Chupacabra/Mi-go, feeding time, once feed then its time to make the personal connection to Chupacabra/Mi-go and…
done. You must enter the city on your own.” “Understood,” Riasean said as he yawned. The Royal Guards turned and rode south. “First, let’s read what Alric has to say,” Larah said. She pulled the letter with the sunburst on it from her tunic and tore it open. The writing was flowing, but concise: When you get to the New Moon gate in the Black Tower, hold up the Moonstone and say the passphrase to open the gate – Gate of Shadows, Open to me, Let one enter, To where no one can see. When you wish to…
Prologue The castle gate loomed in the distance. Keledrin stooped, barely strong enough to stand, peered through blood crusted eyes at the two figures who had left the gate. The dust of the of the uncultivated ground, was steadily aroused by their foot falls. One was carrying something in his hand which looked to Keledrin like an incense vessel suspended by chains ready to be swing into the open air to imbue the surroundings with a sweet scent. Keledrin though, knew better. There would be no…
The sky was motionless, clear black sky all around with not a hint of clouds or stars touching the dark infinity. The large compound was blanketed by the darkness, it’s black and grey walls providing a camouflage in the nighttime. Hiding in the darkness, just outside the compound’s entry gates, was a short girl, in her early 20’s. A black outfit covered her from head to toe - not something she’d usually find herself wearing, but it was a much better camouflage in the black of night. Gracie had…