face; then they may show them breaking away from the situation that oppresses them. In the two texts, the females suffer many different types of inequality. Even though Educating Rita was first produced in 1980 and A Doll’s House in 1890. They deal with similar issues like challenging male superiority and do it by using mechanisms like irony and metaphors. Men in the plays restrict women and attempt to form them in a way that society approves. Which then resulting in their rebellion. Nora ‘apparently’ accepts the patriarchy but before the start of the play she gets a loan without her husband’s permission however she continues to play along with Tovald whereas…
Demographic Information For this assignment I watched Still Alice (Glatzer, 2015). This movies main character is Alice who is a linguistic professor at Columbia University. At the begging of the move she is celebrating her 50th birthday. She is married to John and has three adult children Anna, Tom, and Lydia. After having some issues with her memory Alice decides to see a neurologist who tests her cognitive abilities and does scans of her brain. After the test are performed Alice is diagnosed…
Helen Dunmore’s “My Polish Teacher’s Tie” is a short story set in England, most probably after the war. Carla Carter is half Polish and she works as a part time catering staff but she isn’t very confident about her job and doesn’t really understand where she considers home. One day the head announced that the school was arranging a teacher exchange program to help Polish teacher’s improve their English and Carla was interested in writing to a Polish teacher, therefore, she went to get an address…
Rita Dove, An African American Poet Rita Dove is a poet who is currently 64 years old. She grew up as an outstanding student, to later become even more successful, winning several awards to her name. She was, and still is, a very passionate poet who has said inspiring things to her audiences such as, “Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful”. Dove still continues to inspire and encourage those who read her poetry to this day. Starting at the beginning, Rita Dove was born on…
being big or small. By overcoming these challenges, individuals can be presented with transitions in life that may be confronting, exciting or transformative. In class we have studied the play ‘Educating Rita’ by Willy Russell and the feature article ‘The REAL Sarah Harris’ to provide us with examples of individuals that experience transitions that provide them with growth and change. These transitions allow the individuals to move to a better chapter in life giving them an improved attitude…
Sylvia Plath’s “Morning Song” explores a mother’s complex emotions towards her newborn child after giving birth for the first time. Although motherhood is often regarded as a joyous event that gives a woman’s life purpose and meaning, “Morning Song” instead depicts motherhood as a complicated event fraught with uncertainty and fear, but also with love and affection. Rather than expressing overwhelming love and happiness, the mother in the poem feels distant from her child and gradually learns to…
to face and difficulties to overcome, which is evident in Willey Russell’s drama play ‘Educating Rita’ and Slam Poetry of The Streets: ‘CAPITAL LETTERS’ by Omar Musa at TEDxSydney ‘Educating Rita’ consists of two characters: Frank and Rita. Frank is from the mid-upper class, the individuals who have tertiary education and are sophisticated, in which Rita aspires to be like. Rita is a woman who has the motivation and desire to pursue an education and leave the social working class behind. The…
This class was one of the more challenging classes I took this term. It took me out of my element. I have mostly taken classes in the psychology department and not neuroscience. With that being said I did enjoy the class. It opened my mind up to the different aspects of psychology. I was a little behind on some of the topics we discussed in class and found myself looking up words i did not know. This helped me understand the articles better because I was not questioning what important words or…
Educating Rita “Transitions into new phases of life can affect perceptions of individuals and society” “Educating Rita” a play by Willy Russell composer and play write explores how transitions are revealed through the change of perceptions of individuals and society through the two protagonists Frank and Rita. In conjunction with “Then and Now” a poem by Aboriginal activist and poet Oodergeroo Noonuccal, explores the impact of the assimilation policy on aboriginal culture. Through…
Managers have a new level of responsibility when it comes to creating a proactive, diverse culture within their team. This is something I would stress to Rita as she moves forward, not only in her evaluation process, but interactions with the team as a whole. I would suggest that Rita spend time with each of her employees, work side by side with them and most importantly, listen to them, just don’t “hear” them. By spending time with her employees, Rita can learn more about them on a personal…