The Frankford Avenue Commercial Corridor runs along Frankford Avenue, a major north-south corridor and the site of the Market-Frankford Line Elevated Structure, from Orthodox Street in the south to Bridge Street in the North. The corridor features two traffic lanes – one northbound and one southbound – as well as two parking lanes. The traffic lanes feature Bicycle sharrow icons to facilitate road sharing across modes. Frankford is a working-class neighborhood that depends on a few key industries to support its economy. Household incomes in Frankford and Philadelphia have declined in recent years, but the drop has been more extreme in Frankford. A high percentage of both the adult and juvenile populations live below the poverty line as of 2014, and 55% of…
In “Morning in the Burned House,” Margaret Atwood suggests that when recalling the past there is a tendency for a person to desire dwelling in the past instead of living in the present, therefore there must be a destructive force in order to reinforce reality and continue progress. The author of the poem carefully chose the title as it reveals a lot about the entire meaning of the poem. Atwood used words such as morning, burned, and house in the title. Morning might be a connotation of a new…
interest that probably rooted from her father’s occupation as a linguistic professor. Chin humorously uses a hyperbole in order to lightly brag about the brain of Chloe in Stanza 2, “However, even though Chin spoke so highly of Nguyen’s intellect, as the poem begins to shift it makes the reader question if Chloe wanted to be seen as the stereotype of a “Smart Asian.” As Chloe grows up in Marilyn’s poem, the reader starts to notice that Chloe has experienced dissatisfaction going on in her life.…
Rhetorical Analysis of Truman Capote’s “Nancy’s Bedroom” In the passage, “Nancy’s Bedroom” from the novel, In Cold Blood, the author, Truman Capote, creates a vivid description of Nancy’s bedroom to help the reader connect with Nancy. Capote portrays a descriptive view of her bedroom to convey her personality. He uses many rhetorical strategies to create a feeling of sorrow and reveals the femininity and innocence of young Nancy Clutter. He uses figurative language throughout the passage to…
The poem moves forward again as the line 3 starts with “Everything moved.” You break out of the surreal moment when the author creates the setting and admiring the area then all of a sudden you break out of your reverie when the poem continues with the words “Everything moved.” The natural order of plants moving and flowing to the wind. The feeling of things being normal with everything moving and no sooner does everything start, there is stillness again as the poem continues with “a bell hung…
actually were going to change once I got on that plane. My first real awakening was in line for a routine security check when the man in front of me spoke on…
Moment (Page #) 2 Quotations (Pages #s) Literary Device Connection/Significance Chapter 6 – Pages 85-97 – (34-38%) This chapter basically goes into detail about the forbidden daughter of Hester whose name is Pearl. The first quotation is not from a scene, but rather just the author introducing you a bit more to Pearl. The author uses a metaphor in this first quotation on page 87 by comparing Pearl to a flower. The second quote is from an actual scene. During this time from on…
accurate depiction of her expectation of death and her journey to afterlife. The death can be frightening topic for many, but not for Emily Dickinson. Emily’s tone and attitude in this poem is notwithstanding and carefree as she dares to challenge the death. In this poem, Emily completes her thought of her perspective of time, immortality, life, negative, aseity, and death itself. This poem contains six stanzas and each stanza contains 4 lines. The first stanza, the first line in the poem…
The Analysis of the Three Poems “My Papa’s Waltz”, “My Father’s Hats” and “Those Winter Sundays” are poems which are real exciting and express the love of fathers towards their kids. In these poems they describe to us the friendship between children and their fathers. The poem “My Papa’s Waltz” explains how a young boy was dancing waltz music with his drunken father. The young son appeared to enjoy having fun with his father while dancing despite the fact that he kept on chafing his ear on his…
original choice made. The tone of lines nine and 10, which are written “Though as for that the passing there/Had worn them really about the same,” (Frost, 2016), could further suggest that the narrator believes that both of his choice options were nearly compatible, leading to the realization that the right choice was made. Another tone of Frost’s poem can be that of contemplation. This is made evident in lines 14 and 15; “Yet knowing how way leads on to way,/I doubted if I should ever come…