proposed a measure to “[a]chieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health” (“Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health” 1). However, 2015 has passed, and “only half of pregnant women receive the recommended amount of antenatal care” (“Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health” 1). This lack of access to proper reproductive health, particularly in developing countries, remains a pressing issue in need of immediate attention not only to empower women by providing them with the basic right to control their bodies but also to preclude the threatening implications that could potentially result from this lack of control. One such consequence, which remains inevitable as long as reproductive…
Reproductive health and sexuality is an important part of the human body. Being able to engage and sexual acts, and reproduce is the main reason for making sure you have a healthy body. Men and women should be able to receive and access any family planning method, that they need. Taking precautions and being able to control when you want to have a child, should always be in the right of the women. But in many countries women aren’t able to receive, afford safe and effective contraceptives. In…
Reproductive Health Care Availability and Controversial Policies Reproductive health care services that are provided by government funding is a highly debated topic among citizens and policy makers alike. Providing reproductive health care services through government funded agencies has been argued for and against, based on the benefits to the social welfare of the population, and the allocation of government funding. Will defunding Planned Parenthood save government funding and prevent…
1) Reproductive health is important to women’s health around the world. Women with reproductive capacity require ongoing health care in order to protect their health and the health of their offspring. The increased and sustained investment in reproductive health will ensure that women are able to receive preventive care, prior during and after their pregnancies (Singh, Darroch, & Lori, 2014). This will help decrease the number of infants deaths related to pregnancies. It will also decrease the…
Reproductive health relates physical, mental, and social wellness to the functions and processes of the reproductive system. It emphasizes the rights and freedoms to reproduce safely and follows both men and women through all stages of life. However, the topic of reproductive health is heavily debated in both politics and the medical field. Among the most controversial reproductive health topics is the use of contraception, more specifically the morality surrounding the topic. Personally, I find…
TERMS OF REFERENCE For Mid-term Evaluation of the UNDP funded project Sexual and Reproductive Health in Lao PDR BACKGROUND Organizational Background Pathfinder International (PI) is a leading international non-profit organization engaged in the area of sexual and reproductive health. PI with its mission ‘to ensure that people everywhere have the right and opportunity to live a healthy sexual and reproductive life’ believes that the reproductive health care is not only a part of basic human…
In 2012, Marie Claire, a monthly women’s magazine, released a series of advertisements in support of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines. The Reproductive Health Bill guarantees universal access to contraceptives, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. The campaign is used as a vehicle to promote the message of female dominance in female health practices. The campaign as a whole depicts exclusively Filipino women with pieces of men crudely attached to sections of…
One of the major areas where the courts have been instrumental in developing several important health policies is reproductive rights. The Supreme court found a constitutional right to “privacy” though there is no mention of this concept in the Bill of Rights, to implement the reproduction rights. This newly constituted right to privacy was used to prevent states from interfering with sale and distribution of contraception. The right to privacy protects not only the right to use contraception,…
One of the most controversial topics amongst religions is the issue of women’s reproductive health. This includes religions’ stances on abortion and contraception. Most religions have strict rules about what is permitted and what is not according to their sacred texts. For example, Roman Catholicism has always considered any deviation from the natural procreation a sin. Additionally, some books and letters from Bible condemn abortion and the use of contraception. However, in other religions’…
Each female has her own issues, with unique situations and requirements that affect her ability to obtain and utilize contraception efficiently (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, 2008). The understanding one’s unique situation and circumstance and approach each client on individual bases will greatly benefit the patient to makes the best contraceptive choices (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, 2008). To accomplish individualized approach, health care provider…