Melissa Lakatos Assignment #2 SPH 380 Family Planning The refinement of family planning has been one of the most pivotal public health achievements in today’s history. Did you know that between 1800 and 1900, family size declined from 7 to 3.5 children with the help of education and contraceptives? Previous to birth control movements, distributing information and counseling patients regarding any type of birth control was illegal under federal and state laws. During this time period, there was little wide spread knowledge about many medical conveniences including time of ovulation, fertility period as well as various other reproductive facts (Achievements in Public Health, 1999). But now, this information has all become modern medicine…
use of family planning is to help prevent accidental pregnancy and to stop the spreading of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV. The current future of this region, the future that will evolve without meaningful interventions, is indeed depressing but should not be accepted as a possible future. Sub-Saharan Africa needs family planning services more than almost anywhere else in the world. With seventy percent of new HIV cases originating in this region a need for better healthcare…
In the beginning of the 20th century, family planning as we know it today was restricted, controlled, and in some instances, unlawful. There was little to no education regarding the details of fertilization, because the cycle of ovulation was not defined until 1928 (Center for Disease Control, 1988). Additionally, all forms of contraceptives and any education regarding contraceptives were against the law (Jensen, 1981). These restrictions caused sexually active women to become pregnant often,…
Introduction The phrase family business as defined by Ward (2011) refers to a business entity in which decisions are made by people who are related by marriage or by blood. According to them, in a family business majority of middle and high level management positions are held by member of the same family. The people who operate family businesses are connected to each other because of leadership, ownership and the technical knowhow that they give to the business. Similarly, Mathews (2015) defines…
To reveal the gaps which are to be filled by health workers. 2. To identify areas of misconceptions so that health workers will plan ways of correcting them. To the Society 1. To help in government budgeting of health services 2. To promote proper utilization of artificial methods of family planning. THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. What are the cultural factors influencing the acceptance of artificial family planning methods? 2. What are the socio-economic status influencing the acceptance of…
WHO HAS THE SAY? WOMEN AND FAMILY PLANNING DECISIONS – A CASE STUDY OF KILIFI DISTRICT, KENYA By WALUSUNA, C. LEAHBELL INTRODUCTION Family planning is an essential service, not only for improving maternal and newborn health, but also plays a key role in poverty alleviation, contributes to the advancement of women’s rights and choices as well as the general economic development of a country. Family planning allows individuals to attain their desired number of children and determine the…
Family planning allows individual and couples to anticipate and attain their desire number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility. A women ability to space and limit her pregnancies has a direct impact on her health and well-being as well as on the outcome of each pregnancy. Women with unmet need are those who are fecund and sexually active but are not using any method of…
One of the important public health issues in improvement counties is family planning, it is correlated with decrees rate of maternal and kids mortality due to the maternal health improvement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The research aim is to assess women's awareness about family planning methods. Family Planning methods is important for women's health through avoiding unwanted pregnancy and its consequences and to increase a healthier and happier generation, rather than…
She was born on October 19, 1881, in Cannington, Ontario ("Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw | Canadian Medical Hall of Fame."). Dr. Bagshaw was a pioneer in the Canadian medical industry at a time where women were not widely accepted ("Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw | Canadian Medical Hall of Fame."). Elizabeth established Canada 's first and illegal family planning clinic in Hamilton, Ontario in 1932 ("History of Family Planning in Canada."). She continuously received vast criticism from medical and religious…
operations research and planning programming budgeting systems. During President John F. Kennedy and President Johnson’s terms, there was the antipoverty movement that served as the pushing factor of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The purpose of this act was to eliminate poverty, increase the safety of the poor and unemployed and help the elderly with any financial or health burdens. Unfortunately this…