Reproductive system helps our body to function properly such as producing an eggs,sperms and ovas.It mainly helps us produces the female egg cells necessary for reproduction, called the ova or oocytes. The reproductive system is very important part of the body system because it helps the population to reproduce, it is a very crucial factor of living.The reproductive system helps our body to produce new cells. One of the most widespread diseases of the reproductive system is known as prostate cancer that only affects the reproduction cells. Prostate cancer mostly happens when the cells in the prostate cancer starts dividing and goes in each direction. Usually in united states there is one man by whole of six men is found with this disease.the…
The male reproductive system , as stated previously, is different from the female reproductive system. The male reproductive system consists of testes, ducts, accessory sex glands, the penis, and scrotum (McLafferty, 2012 p1). The testes consist of glandular tissue and each testis is contained in a white fibrous capsule called the tunica albuginea (McLafferty 2012 p1). The testes are held in the scrotum which is a loose sac of skin and smooth muscle. Approximately two months before birth, the…
The ovary plays a very important role in the female reproductive system. The ovaries are two small almond shape organ located in the pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for storing and releasing the ova and producing female sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Normally in the body, the ovary will grow new cells and the old cell will die. However, if the cells are growing out of control within the body it will cause an overgrowth. The overgrowth of…
All living organisms, including humans, reproduce to ensure the survival of their species. The male and female reproductive systems are essential for reproduction. The main purpose of the male reproductive system is to produce and deliver sperm into the female reproductive system. The main purpose of the female reproductive system is to produce egg cells and to nurture a fertilized egg so it is able to develop into a fetus. The male and female reproductive systems are distinct from one another…
1. Detail the first part of the digestive system from the mouth to the esophagus including the structure and functions of each part. The first part of the digestive system is comprised of the mouth, the pharynx and the esophagus. The mouth is an oral cavity that starts the process of mechanical and chemical digestions when food is received. The mouth is bounded by the cheeks and lips. The mouth contains a soft and hard palate, salivary glands, teeth (crown and dentin) and the tongue (covered…
"LP9 Assignment: Female Reproductive System." For this assignment, I will use the websites, lab and learning materials from this week and complete an internet search of my own on the female reproductive system. I will write a two- page essay that explains the parts of the female reproductive system and the general functions of each part. I will also explain how hormones control the activities of the female reproductive organs and the development of female secondary sex characteristics. Also…
The cane toad reproductive system especially of male consists of the fat bodies and this cannot be found in a reproductive system of a common brushtail possum. The process of how sperm travels is also different between the two animals. In a common brushtail possum, the sperm travels through the vasa deferentia, which transports the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra (Venugopal, 2016. pg 3.5). While in a cane toad the vasa efferentia helps carry the sperm from the testes to the kidney and…
The male reproductive system is responsible for producing, transporting, and maintaining sperm. It's also responsible for producing male sex hormones. These sex hormones actually take on the role of being responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system. Unfortunately, the male reproductive system also takes on the role of discharging its sperm into the female reproductive tract during sex. The major organs that make up your male reproductive system include the following: bladder,…
10) Can rats digest cellulose from plants? Explain why or why not. Yes, because they have other bacteria in different parts of their intestines designed to breakdown cellulose, even thought they do not have the proper enzymes. 11) Explain the basic differences between the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system of the rat. Identify both internal and external differences. Male rats have testes found in the scrotum and in the scrotum, sperm is generated in the…
THE MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Naturally the ultimate goal for all living organisms on earth is the preservation and continuity of their kind. This is achieved through reproduction. Reproduction or procreation is the biological process through which organisms give rise to new individuals referred to as offspring (Silverstein, Silverstein, & Silverstein, 2010). It is in two forms namely; asexual and sexual. Sexual reproduction is the most common, advanced and more…