The main effect was consistent with the congruency effect, in that participants responded faster to congruent trials than incongruent trials, which is consistent with the results of previous studies (Gratton et al., 1992; Botvinick et al., 1999). The interaction indicated that conflict adaptation had occurred, in that the difference in response times in current congruent or incongruent trials was indeed smaller when the current trial followed an incongruent trial. This finding was consistent with the results of the Botivinick et al.’s (1999) study where a similar interaction was found, but contradicted the results of the Mayr et al. (2003) study. The presence of conflict adaptation in the absence of exact stimulus repetitions was consistent with the authors’…
Humanity Humans are hopeful animals with incredible imaginations who throw away their powers and leave a chaotic mess behind. Also, humanity is a historic repetition and is full of people who know what they want and believe in but are weak minded and cowards. People have their own views on how life should be. But sitting back is not going to do anything and that is all we do. We sit back and talk about the problems of the country or even the world but we just let it happen anyway. We ultimately…
In the editing notes for Tobermory by Lewis Hayes, you have successfully set up your characters and location from the first few scenes. However, I have a couple of concerns with the writing (repetition, grammar, readability), format (scene breakdown style), structure (montage, scene selection, conflict), and scenes (repetition, formatting). There is a suitable structure and the narrative flows in appropriate sequential order. The tone of your film upon initial read is engaging. Appropriate…
Repetition Is the Foundation of Any Effective Speech Throughout history, speeches have been known to change many lives both during the speech’s time and in the modern era. At the foundation of any one of these speeches is the literary element known as repetition. Though repetition is known most commonly for its literal meaning of repeating words, this literary device is much more than that. A speaker’s repetition can cause the listeners to react an abundance of ways ranging from cheering for…
For example, he tells Desdemona “away, away, away!” (4.2.50) when Desdemona is saying how she is faithful to him by telling him that even “Heaven doth truly know it,” (4.2.47). As the word “away” repeats three times, it emphasises how much he does not want to be in the presence of Desdemona and just wants her to go away. Him not wanting to be in the presence of Desdemona shows that in Othello’s head, he’s made up his mind that Desdemona cheated on him and nothing she says will convince him…
glimpse of the transformation process which through poetry she is redeveloping this new persona of who in her society would fit right in. The title of the poem helps with the development of the thesis, which is of self-discovery and the re-invention of one’s self, to be happy in his or her present society. Alvarez through her poem is able to express her thoughts and give the reader an idea of who she would like to be and in a way offer help to others with similar problems. She offers to others…
This allows the researcher to investigate questions such as ‘does algorithm selection impact how quickly users learn flashcards’ or ‘do customizations correlate with increased quiz scores’ or any other avenue the researcher sees fit to pursue. Conclusion OpenFluency is an Open source free application that adopts multiple proven flashcard language learning tools, and incorporates them into a single platform. The efficiency of many elements of OpenFluency’s core functionality (e.g.…
In many classrooms across America today, race and ethnicity are very much on the table. Teachers dream of seeing their students discuss difference in a constructive way. Some educators actively encourage their classes to get outside their comfort zones and confront the country’s racial history, but I ask myself after reading McIntosh’s Interactive Phases of Curricular and Personal Re-Vision Model, how much was race and ethnicity practice in the classroom long ago when I was in elementary. I can…
Qayyim identifies three types of Repetition in the Qur’an: Repetition with similarity of meaning e.g. Q74:19-20. Repetition with difference of meaning e.g. Q3:7. Repetition of meaning with different wording e.g. Q55:68.” (2) Ibn Qutaybah [15, p. 183]; and Abu Hiläl [20, p. 193]. (3) Abu Hiläl [20, p. 193]; the poet is not named. This line is also found in Al-Murtada, ’Amäli al-Murtada (1954), Vol. 1, p. 84. ‘ﻧﺖ ﻭﻛﹶﻢ ’ﻛﹶﺎis, however, missing from this line in Ibn Qutaybah [15, p. 183], and…
Slaughterhouse-Five’s phrase repetition analysis Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five is a semi autobiography of the journey of Billy Pilgrim through WWII merged together with time travel and aliens. He sees his own birth and death and everything in between. According to Vonnegut, this book is “short and jumbled and jangled because there is nothing intelligence to say about a massacre” (19). The author uses the repetition of phrases and events, such as “so it goes”, the character wild bob, and…