In the article, Beyond the rationality of economic man, toward the true rationality of human man, by John Tomer, we once again see the argument of what rationality truly is come to light. In this particular article Tomer stands on the side that mainstream economics and the idea of economic rationality is not a complete rationality. He goes on to explain that true rationality will be a combination of bother instrumental rationality and rationality of ends (Tomer 1704). The combination of the two creates a process in which appropriate reason is used to choose the best possible means to an end, and an end that serve’s our best interest (Tomer 1704). From this true rationality the author explains that we as a society will not only benefit he states,…
Weber authenticated rationality pertaining to values and believed that who are hopeful of the capitalist economy, liberal politics and rationality to rescue human kinds are wrong and he sought an alternative way. He put emphasis on religious faith & morality and believed: “If values become restored, human life will survive from this condition. However, there is an important question in here: “What are these values?”. It seems the values require theoretical bases and epistemology. In other words,…
Rationality is a term that most people understand as making sensible decisions and choices based on facts and the amount information someone possess in a particular situation. However, in the world of economics and psychology this term can be assumed in two different contrasts. In economics, rationality can be defined as individuals making decisions based on their self-interest as well as maximising their utility. This is also mentioned by Edgeworth (1881 p.16) where he states ‘the first…
The P1 engages with the task of action theory along the line of the Kant’s conception of rationality. The core of this conception is whatever we do is from and for a reason. Wood formulates this as follows: It ought to be utterly uncontroversial that whatever we do, we should act for reasons, and therefore from a reason. It is a virtual tautology to say that what we should do is the same as whatever there are the best (or at least good enough) reasons to do, and that we should do it for (or…
the transition of regimes. These regimes’ persistence is embedded in their cultural foundations and institutional structure (Yom and Gause, 2012). Elliot Abrams (2012) claims that the historical connection of the Arab monarchies give them their strength and legitimacy. He explains how the monarchy is often sustained by religious belief, and this gives them more legitimacy than any self-appointed strongmen (Abrams, 2012). The rationality paradigm does not appear as an independent category as…
make prudent choices and decisions which the view of maximizing their experience or satisfaction. At individual level, any decision arrived is meant to the highest self-interest and bring the greatest satisfaction to the decision maker. This subjective view of the reasons why individuals make decisions reduces the logicalness of any decision to an individual level. Ultimately, rationality and logicality is reduced to a subjective matter that differs from one individual to another. Such…
Neorealism assumes the state will always make the rational choice to maximize its utility. In neoliberalism, non-state actors such as civil societies and individuals also make rational choices. Both theories borrow ideas from the theory of rationalism (Wendt, 1992). Constructivism, on the other hand, does not make such assumption about rationality. By no means is constructivism suggesting that actors are irrational, but it provides us with two cautionary tales about rationality. The first…
Two core principles create the foundation for the OneState in Zamyatin’s We: the idea that humans are machines that need to be perfected, and the idea that rationality is the only correct way of thinking about the world. Both of these principles are not inherently evil or irrational, however, as the OneState takes their ideals to the extreme, their principles become less understandable and increasingly unreasonable. D-503’s use of mathematical language and the way he punctuates his record…
ID: 300100796 Kantian Deontology is characterized by the view that persons that are rational moral agents have equal value as well as equal worth. This moral theory has four key themes including dignity, autonomy, rationality, and morality. Additionally, the formula of humanity and the formula of universal law are taken into account when making moral decisions; these formulas are a part of the categorical imperative. Kant developed this moral theory as a way to evaluate the motivation for a…
I Legal procedure and moral-practical discourse 1 Habermas versus Weber on legitimacy and the moral dimension of law In any legal theory the relation between law and morality is problematic. Reflecting on this link is relevant to the issue of the legitimacy of law. The ’classical’ and still predominant view on the legitimacy of law is that of Weber (1956). His concept of formal rationality of law presupposes a strict separation of law from morality. According to Weber, law derives its…