Preakness Stakes

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    The Kentucky Derby takes place at Churchill Downs; otherwise referred to as, derby, it is one of the better-known venues in the Triple Crown. If you’re not an avid fan of horse racing, the Kentucky Derby is identified by the extravagant hats and well-dressed spectators. Churchill Downs was opened in 1875 and one of the major stakes races was the Kentucky Derby. Colonel Meriwether Lewis Clark who had the desire to showcase the breeding grounds of Kentucky’s history then opened Churchill Downs. (Kentucky Derby, pg.1) The money to build the racetrack was raised through memberships to the downs. There were initially 320 memberships sold that allowed for the clubhouse, grandstand, Porter’s Lodge, and six stables to open (Kentucky Derby, pg. 1). The racetrack covers 147 acres of land, with a one-mile dirt oval and a seven-furlong turf course.…

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    Improved Essays
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    She has been shown to care about others and is always friendly towards the horses and people. This gained her the trust and respect by the industry. She was honoured with an award by the thoroughbred club in 2012. During the award ceremony, Mrs. Cauthen said, “I believe our directors have made an exemplary addition… Mrs. Chenery’s stewardship of Secretariat’s ongoing legacy and her other services to racing fit this mould very admirably.” (u.k. 2015) Cheney finally had the respect of the racing…

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  • Improved Essays

    state that in order to meet America’s goal of racial equality, “reducing the black–white test score gap would probably do more to promote this goal than any other strategy that commands broad political support’’ (Brunn-Bevel and Byrd, 2015, p. 441). Although these sources focus on one particular school district, the results shed light on the bigger issue that racial disparities play on our nation. In light of the sources discussed above, it is clear to see that there is a relationship between…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Common core is reflected in SAT testing and often times can reflect portions of the ACT testing as well. These are two high stakes tests that many post-secondary education institutes require positive marks on. Without good scores on these exams, a student can graduate high school without a problem, however, entrance into university becomes significantly more difficult if students do not score within a certain range. Furthermore, the stress of these tests effect students’ general performance in…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    high stakes tests continue to rise, children try to put too much information in their minds in a short period of time. This can cause them to be antisocial and get little sometimes no sleep, like I used to in High School. While the memorize the information at the time their memory capacity decreases from the stress of one high-pressure test that can decide whether they get left back to do an entire year after. This leads to depression and can eventually lead to the student dropping out, which we…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    High Stakes Testing Effect

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    notebooks covering her body, bed, and floor. She feels exhausted but her schedule for the day is as hectic as ever. She has three tests, two projects for her AP classes, basketball practice after school, and a club meeting for which she may not have time. Like many of today’s students, she is faced with the dilemma of opportunities mixed with multiple responsibilities. Society’s expectations of high school students have both positive and negative effects on students. The causes of these effects…

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  • Superior Essays

    Public School Problems

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    kids stressed by standardized tests. This leads to illnesses such as vomiting and crying. “Stressed elementary students in grades two through four tend to show emotional stress behaviors such as crying, throwing tantrums, wetting themselves, and vomiting,” ("Tests + Stress = Problems For Students - Brain Connection." Brain Connection. N.p., 12 July 2000. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.) High stakes testing place emotional stress on the human’s brain, which could cause people to vomit. Not only is there…

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  • Improved Essays

    In the 21st century, parents wonder how they will send their children to college and children wonder what grades and scores they need to receive in order to attend their dream schools. This struggle defines the the importance of education today. However, the emphasis on education is completely incorrect. Instead of teaching young minds how to think, the education system is merely teaching children what to think. Both parents and students are going crazy with SAT scores and GPA’s, but they are…

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  • Improved Essays

    Standardized Testing Flaws

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    Students focus on tests rather than daily skills. Teachers teach for these tests and less skills. Why should students have to take big tests on things you might not ever need later in life? Standardized tests may raise some scores, but they are ruining schools. Standardized tests take lots of money from schools (Heinemann, 1). When students are taking these big tests they are missing other classes. Student focus on the tests and not their other classes. Testing doubles students stress in and…

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    Single Test

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    who graduate from college in less than four months, who would disagree with me. These students might believe that a high stakes test will define their worth and value to society. The Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation (2012-2015) believes that student success should not be based on the results of a single test, but instead should include valuable and relevant information. I agree with CREATE…

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