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    Louisiana has the pleasure of holding the brown pelican as its state bird and of me being able to call it home. I was born and raised in Louisiana so deciding on what bird to learn more about came very easily to me. I am from Lafayette, LA so pelican citing’s are few and far in between but whenever my family ventures towards New Orleans, which is quite often, we see them in many flocks on the way down along marshes and mangroves. Their beauty, shape, and way of life have always fascinated me and getting the chance to write about them is a pleasure. The Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, belongs to the order of Pelecantiformes and family of Pelecanidae. They are the smallest bird within the eight species of pelican even though they are…

    • 1484 Words
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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Brown Pelican Fishing

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    • 4 Pages

    They are all of least concern, however, the Snowy Egret and the American Black Vultures is now protected in the US by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The brown Pelican, Great White Egret and Snowy Egret all belong to the Order of Pelecaniformes (Pelicans and Allied Waterbirds), whereas the Black American Vultures belong to the Accipitiformes Order and the Laughing Gulls belong to the Order of Charadriiformes (Shore Birds and Waders). Since the brown pelicans were accounted for in the…

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  • Improved Essays

    The Day Of The Pelican

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    In my opinion, when there is conflict going on in the story and the protagonist is involved, it greatly impacts the individual's decisions and actions. My opinion could be supported with textual evidence found in 'The Day of the Pelican'. In chapter 10 of the book, the story goes to as how the Lleshi Family are now refugees in Refugee Camp. I chose this as the Conflict because it was honestly the first real conflict I could find before the 9/11 conflict. Certainly, the protagonist family has…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In John Grisham’s novel The Pelican Brief the reader is able to identify how our own government protects the environment. Grisham is an author of thrillers. His main characters are often lawyers confronting dangerous situations (Gale Encyclopedia). In The Pelican Brief he uses a law student that is writing a legal brief about an environmental issue. What Darby Shaw uncovered in her paper brought awareness to many Americans about the laws protecting environment from the oil industry, but also…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Pelicans are a genus of large water birds that makes up the family Pelecanidae. With 8 different species of pelicans, they can be found on all continents except for Antarctica. Pelicans live throughout the world in tropic and temperate zones, and always near bodies of water. Average life span in the wild is 10 to 25 years or more and up to 54 in in captivity. It is easy to identify pelicans, because they are one of the only birds with a pouch under their bill. Along with the giant pouch,…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Pelicans Vs Flamingos

    • 296 Words
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    Have you ever noticed the similarities and differences between American White Pelicans and Flamingos?? I have. Both Animals have many similarities and differences.They have similarities and differences in traits diets and habitats. Both American White Pelicans and Flamingos can lay up to four or five eggs.American white pelicans and Flamingos have similarities and differences in their bodies.They both have beaks and feathers. American white pelicans can fly. Flamingos can not fly but if they…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Pelicans are found in all parts of the world except Antarctica. There are eight different types of pelicans. Pelicans are usually found in warm regions, near rivers, and near lakes. Pelican population can be severely damaged by water population, chemical pollution, and major world catastrophes such as the oil spills in the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Bycatch is a reason why some numbers of pelicans are decreasing, because while diving for fish, pelicans can get caught in the nets. The oldest known…

    • 514 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    The Pelican Analysis In 1899, Edith Wharton published “The Pelican”. She published this short story, like many of her other works, to express the failure that she felt towards herself and her disappointment she felt when her husbands abandoned her. During Wharton’s life she has experienced nervous breakdowns, paralyzing depressions, broken engagements, multiple divorces, and mistreatment by society. Since she has undergone such trauma throughout her life, Wharton thinks of herself poorly and…

    • 1307 Words
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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    of highschool right?” Said my Jv coach Ben Perez from Lakeview Schools. There were 6 hoops in our practice gym at Lakeview Elementary. There were 12 kids total on the team so we picked a partner to go a hoop and do the pelican drill for 1 hard minute. Ben said “ready set GO!“ I start going, I was being lazy because I didn't want to do the drill. About 30 seconds into the drill I was getting lazier my Legs were thriving with numbness and my arms were tingling as if your foot fell asleep. He…

    • 705 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Status: Least concern Conservation Efforts: In the 1970’s, the brown pelican population was threatened by DDT. When brown pelicans ate fish that were contaminated with the pesticide, the eggs they laid had a thin shell and would break during incubation, because of the devastation it had on breeding success. Soon after, the IUCN banned the pesticide. Ever since, the population has made a strong comeback and numbers have increased. Physical…

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