Penal system in the United States

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    In today’s prison systems in the United States, prisons are being flooded with an extremely large amount of new inmates resulting in prisons in the United States becoming more and more overpopulated. The problem of prison overpopulation is only getting worse and becoming a major issue for the United States prison systems. Federal prisons are already 41 percent over their rated capacity and there are still inmates pouring into the prisons every day. There are several problems with prison overcrowding. The first problem that may result from prison overcrowding is an increase in prison violence. Violence may increase in the prisons as more and more inmates are packed into living quarters. The overcrowding in the prison systems lead to increased levels of both violence and misconduct which will lead to an unsafe environment for both the inmates and the prison staff. Crowded prisons also mean a decrease in inmate privacy which could cause inmates to start even more violence in the prison. Overpopulation in prisons only makes inmates more inmate stress and unhappiness…

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  • Improved Essays

    Over the course of the semester I have learned that the process of analysis is a crucial aspect to fully understanding literature and broad aspects of society. Reading words and understanding sentences do not guarantee that you (the reader) have fully comprehended the main objective of the author. WRTC 103 has provided me with the tools necessary to effectively take the extra step and practice competent analysis techniques. For Assignment #4 I focused on two huge issues with the American…

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    Incarceration: Is the U.S. Taking It Too Far? The American penal system has been a topic of discussion amongst American lawmakers for many years. The discussion heated up when American lawmakers started the war on crime in which they attempted to decrease crime rates by significantly increasing the incarceration rate of criminals. In this attempt to look tough on crime many American prosecutors may have lost track of the goal of reintegration into society by throwing too many people in prisons…

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    Is the Eighth Amendment Protection Violated If Prisoners Are Deprived of Basic Sustenance, Including Adequate Medical Care? Michael Gibbons, October 20, 2015, Issue 7 Facts: The Eighth Amendment of the United States protects all people from cruel and unusual punishment. The State of California has been violating the Eighth Amendment for not providing safe, sanitary, or livable conditions for inmates in the California penal system. Those who are imprisoned by the State of California not only…

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    approach that aims to explain how the contemporary criminal justice systems of the United States and the United Kingdom came to be. Garland’s genealogical analysis relies upon the observations of change within the social, political, and cultural realms of society, throughout the 20th century, and claims it is these transformations that allow us to better understand the current landscape of modern crime control. Garland achieves this objective by distinguishing the differences between the…

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    impact of mass incarceration in the United States. Loury emphasizes the racial inequalities within society, society’s perceptions of race and crime, as well as, race and welfare. Karlan analyzes the role of voter disenfranchisement within black communities and felon disenfranchisement. Wacquant illuminates the vast affect of society’s views of blackness and the effects…

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    Abstract: Incapacitation or Deterrence? Is it really a matter of one or the other or is it the matter of properly using both stratagem for the efficient, and effective management of the criminal justice system in America? Furthermore, in a decade where the penal system seems to focus on strictly punishment I seek to discover if there is a better way. According to Todd Clear and Natasha Frost (2014) by the year 2002 the penal system of the United States had exceeded two million…

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    and Hispanic population. They Explaining how African Americans are the majority and more than half of them are incarcerated. It discuss on the racial injustice on African Americans and Hispanics being targeted as well as history and current day of imprisonment currently in the United States. These article explain more in depth how when slavery was abolished, that’s when incarceration punishment was more of a way for white supremacy to be in control. Also one of the articles spoke a lot on penal…

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    Penal Vs Rehabilitation

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    corrections". Punishing certain populations who are categorised as the ‘Underclass’. Such groups were specified as dangerous and crucially encouraged cost effective penal responses. This includes the widening of penalties and priority of supervision over rehabilitation approaches which reintegrates these individuals back into the community. This is due to their high risk status many of whom are permanently deprived and lack education (Feeley and Simon, 1992). The journal article outlines…

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    “Scandinavian penal exceptionalism is a penal philosophy which reflects the values inherent in social democratic corporatism.” “The roots of penal exceptionalism in Norway have derived from the Soria Moria Declaration, which expresses the government’s positioning regarding important fields of social policy”. (Criminologist, 2007) “This principle purpose is to increase the volume of the government’s policy with a new view into developing and improving life in and outside of prison”. With the…

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