end Pennsylvania’s Monopoly on Liquor Sales,” Philip Heron, a native Pennsylvanian and editor of Delaware County Daily News, voices his opinion on Pennsylvania’s restrictive alcohol law and urges for change. Pennsylvania is an alcohol beverage control state; thus, citizens may only purchase wine or liquor at state owned Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores. Similarly to these products, single bottles and six-packs of beer can only be purchased in state licensed taverns or restaurants; furthermore, cases or kegs must be purchased from state licensed beer retailers or distributors. Importing any liquor or beer into Pennsylvania from another state is illegal, according to the law; therefore, Pennsylvania’s law transforms…
2014 Colonization-Collecting and Evaluating the Evidence In the late seventeenth century Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. A British colony established as a safe haven for Penn and his fellow Quakers. Pennsylvania was a colony that promoted religious tolerance as it was established to prevent the religious persecution of Quakers that was happening in England throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Pennsylvania was a promise to Quakers and others of different religions that they…
Pennsylvania was founded in 1681 by William Penn with a charter granted to him by King Charles II. Pennsylvania was created as a place for the Quakers to be able to practice their religion, to make a profit, and for Penn to exercise liberal ideas. Pennsylvania was the most suitable colony to live in for someone wanting religious freedom, good relations with Native Americans, and to make a living with the good economy. Pennsylvania was a middle colony who had the nickname "bread basket".…
MAKE SURE YOUR TENSE IS CONSTANT AND DOESN’T SWITCH BETWEEN PRESENT/ PAST TENSE Key Reasons for Colonizing (will make hook later) Pennsylvania is the place where every colonist is treated in the same manner, your social status, religion, and gender does not matter. You will not be persecuted for your religion or beliefs. Colonists in Pennsylvania are very neighborly and help each other out during hard times. No one will covet another man or have reason to harm another. Pennsylvanians’…
Similarly, adolescent pregnancy, poverty, low parental education, single parent families, poor prenatal care, and other characteristics affect the Berks County family’s stability. In fact, the investigation revealed that 14% of the population lives below the poverty level. Investigation reported, the city of Reading’s citizens living below the poverty level with 38.7% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Certainly, the issue impact child’s growth and development. As data show, there is a gap that…
12 years with the Pennsylvania Railroad, he developed the managerial skills and personal relationships that would help him in his later business ventures. He learned how the railroad industry worked and introduced such innovations as keeping the telegraph office open 24 hours a day and burning railroad cars after accidents to clear the tracks quickly. During the Civil War, he organized the military telegraph system for the North and gained additional insights into the industry. Seeing the…
also owned land near Lake Erie and Penn’s Creek along with many other locations. With a presence in vast areas of the colony, it is difficult to imagine that he would not have had such a strong influence over the events between the colonists and Native Americans. It seems that with his skill set, Montour was an estimable ally for both the Native Americans and the colonists in Pennsylvania. On one occasion, his services were required, along with those of Conrad Weiser, with whom he frequently…
Introduction William Penn greatly explored the ‘New World’ of Pennsylvania, encountered the people of his new land, and exchanged peace, hope, equal rights, and brotherly love with the newcomers to his “Holy Experiment.” Before he did this though, he did many things back in the European countries. He had many failures but soon was successful in his own ways. Penn got his huge area of the ‘New World’ because King Charles II was in debt to Penn’s recently deceased father. To repay this debt, King…
University in 1904. And at the age of 13 in 1848 Carnegie came to the United States with his family they settled in Allegheny Pennsylvania and Carnegie went to work in a factory earning $1.20 a week the next year he found…
Milton Hershey was born in Derry Township, Pennsylvania, on September 13, 1857. Hershey’s was the only surviving male child of father Henry Hershey and mother Fanny Snavely Hershey; he also has one sister Serina Hershey. Hershey’s spent his early childhood trailing his father, a dreamer who always had his eyes out for the next big opportunity. By 1857 Hershey’s father had largely cut himself out the picture. Fanny was tiered of her husband’s failures; the details of their separation are cloudy.…