Eleanora Fagan also known as Billie Holiday was born on April 7, 1915 and died on July 17, 1959. She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She had a nickname of “Lady Holiday” which was given to her music partner Lester Young. She was considered one of the best jazz vocalists of all time. Holiday had a thriving career as a jazz singer for many years before she lost her battle with substance abuse. In 2000, Billie was put into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Billie Holiday was important to the Harlem Renaissance because of her singing, the fact that she was one of the best jazz vocalists in history and that each of her songs had a message. Eleanora talent was her gift. She had such a great voice and that’s why she went so far with her voice. Holiday spent much of her childhood in Baltimore, Maryland. Sadie was only a teenager when she had her. Her father eventually became a successful jazz musician, playing with the likes of Fletcher Henderson. Her father name was Clarence Holiday. Her father didn’t come around often as she would have liked him too. Sadie married Philip Gough in 1920 and for a few years Billie had a somewhat stable home life. After a few years, the marriage ended. Then, she and her mother were back on their own struggling. Sometimes Billie was left in the care of other people. Holiday started skipping school, and she and her mother went to court over Holiday's truancy. She was then sent to the House of Good Shepherd, a facility for troubled African American…
Halie Acor Buffay, 92, was tragically killed on April 20, 2091, at her residence in Stockholm, Sweden, when she was attacked by her pet otters, Steven and Larry. Their reason for attacking is still under investigation. She would like to let everyone know that her mission here has been completed. She has accepted an offer that could not be refused. However, this offer has a no return policy. It comes with the benefits of doing everything she loves with friends and family that she has not…
the galaxy, imagine the munitions spent. Right as I was about to celebrate the genocide, I realize “Crap, I gotta crash the wedding!”, and I made off for the Underworld. His queen, for some reason they use chess pieces for their little peerages, shows up and gave me some sort of paper that teleported me down to the place the wedding was at. The guards tried to stop me from going in, so I bash one guys head in, and strangle the other. I bisect the guard so I could throw him, and carve a message…
6: Standard of Conduct 6.1 All members of the peerage and temporary members of the House must sign the Charter of the House of Lords within two weeks of being given keys. Members that have not signed the Charter by the end of this period shall be removed from the House of Lords. 6.2 All peers of the House of Lords are required to display their royal or highest noble title, at minimum, by their Coat of Arms (COA) or by some form of lettering (Text) recognized by the College of Heraldry at all…
Louise is a story about two women who decide to go on a trip, but it does not go as planned. The premise is a classic adventure story about friends who plan a great adventure; however, they hit bumps in the road, but the problems they endure help them define themselves. In the three act breakdown, act I is the planning of the trip to taking off on the trip, act II is the runaway from all their troubles, which leads to act III Thelma and Louise tries to escape and their official acceptance of an…
20 other students, who are also panicked about the same test you are about to take. The 20 other students in the classroom, however, are all from different economic classes, races, religions, and genders. Despite that, each and every one of you are grouped together to take the same test. The test administrator instructs you to begin, and every student, equipped with a #2 pencil, begins swiftly reading and vigorously filling in bubbles. You’re panicked and sweating because you know the test you…
. We all lose friends; it is inevitable. Despite our efforts, friends drift apart and move away, or we merely find other social groups that suit us. During this time, we may remain close friends or distant acquaintances with one another. We may even experience an outfall due to an argument or betrayal. In rare cases, unforgiveable actions thrash the line of friendship. Depending on the situation, every individual acts differently. Burdened by low self esteem and eternal struggles,…
Ever since the introduction of sin onto the Earth, all of mankind eventually commit sins. Romans 3:23 states, “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Our inevitable crimes come to pass due to various stimuli. Many characters and symbols in Lord of the Flies by William Golding are shown to be capable of both good and evil. Golding offers the idea that society’s beast is innate in all of us (143). No matter how we act in convenient circumstances or where we grew up, we can all…
how they act frivolously, irreverently, and manipulate others. The definition of earnest is “showing depth and sincerity of feeling.” Throughout the play, the way Algernon acts frivolously makes him not earnest. In the first act, Algernon knows that bringing Jack to his house in the country is a bad idea. Algernon states “Yes, that is all very well; but I am afraid Aunt Augusta won’t quite approve of your being here” (act one) Algernon knows that Jack and Gwendolen have been flirting around,…
ACT Test prevalence Since the ACT is mainly used for measuring readiness for first year college preparatory courses, it doesn 't necessarily measure how ready a student is for higher level courses. The ACT tests, as defined by “Data on Student Preparation, College Readiness, and Achievement in College,” “seek to predict how current students will perform in courses commonly taken by new college students”. Instead of measuring how well you will do in learning and storing the information in…