In the short passage of The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan, he explains his views on the transition from verbal communication to writing words down on a paper, and also the constant advancement of technology. McLuhan proposed that writing words on a paper led to inventions such as book, roads and more. At the same time, writing caused Western society to live in a world of invisible lines. He emphasized that alphabet had no true meaning until lines were added to it. Also that before writing the world had no restrictions. McLuhan hypothesized that this shift in technology improved Western’s society as well as limited it. His passage was both agreed and was a counterargument to Mike Masnick’s essay, “Did Pencils Make us Dumber?”. In…
Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. McGraw-Hill, 1964. Reviewed by Kayla M. Piper, Pittsburg State University, KS. Medium Is the Message, a part of the book Understanding Media, is a critical evaluation and interpretation of Media Ecology, a communications theory. Marshall McLuhan particularly focuses on the idea that the medium is the message. He presents the idea that instead of the content of the medium being the message, it is actually the effect that it creates…
reflects the needs, wants, and desires of society. It is constantly developing in rhythm with humans over time to cater to our informative needs. The creation of the internet, then cellphones, and social media portrays the rapid growth and changes of the institution. The 21st century is rapidly advancing and therefore, we cannot guarantee its future but we can predict it. The theories of the ‘hot and cool media’, ‘the global village’, and the ‘narcissism effect’ were all formed by Marshall…
Communication implements devices from various configurations, trials and errors which end up creating popular forms of media. The philosopher Marshall McLuhan coined throughout his existence states that the “medium is the message”. This phrase transcends simple communication, and poses the propositions of how influential the devices of communication on society are and to what degree the information being received at. McLuhan showcases a plethora of ways of thinking that compliments works with…
prophecies of Marshall McLuhan that prove to still be pertinent in today’s use of media. The present usage of such terms as “media”, “global village” as well as “Age of Information” were all coined by Marshall McLuhan in his 1965 work Understanding Media (Lapham, x). In the information age we currently live in, McLuhan’s contributions to media and communication theory are of great importance to understanding various facets of society and how we have evolved in such societies. Political scientist…
exhilarating world in which the human tribe can become truly one family and man’s consciousness can be freed from the shackles of mechanical culture and enabled to roam the cosmos” (McLuhan 1969). In a 1969 interview for Playboy Magazine, media theorist Marshall McLuhan dreamt of a world where man was capable of individual thought, yet still linked seamlessly to the rest of the world through the media. This notion of a virtual community that breaks down the borders of time and space is what…
The book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Men by Marshall Mcluhan discusses a rather "old fashioned" view to the way that Americans use and view technology. The author describes how at the time the newest inventions such as TV and Phones are quickly shaping our future. When I read this I realized that I was pretty dated. The opinions in here probably would have stayed the same if revised there would probably would have been just a more in depth study into all of the different social media…
Within “The Medium is the Massage” scholar Marshall McLuhan proactively examines the future of the media landscape. Within the specific passage, pages 92 to 95 (beginning at the word “amateur”), and in the book as a whole, McLuhan conveys the theme of progress, giving his perspectives on the ways in which it manifests itself. The author does so through the literary devises of anecdote, giving real life examples of his perspective on progress and parallelism through diction and syntax, showing…
Gaëten Tremblay, in his article titled “From Marshall McLuhan to Harold Innis, or From the Global Village to the World Empire” discusses how both of these mentioned theorists provide insight into the role of communication media in the organization of societies and the shaping of everyday life. Tremblay details the importance of McLuhan and Innis’ contributions in the understanding of modern society, insofar that it was shaped by changes in the areas of information dissemination and…
influence the followers by finding interest in products and even sports teams gain members of the fan base. Twitter has made one of the biggest impacts on today’s society, and set a new standard for modern communication. Twitter has opened a strong line of communication for celebrities and politicians with the general public. With the 2016 presidential election taking place, twitter has made it easier for social media followers to keep up with current presidential events. Marshall McLuhan “From…