Mr. Zeigler was originally referred through the Mobil Mental Health team. At this time Mr. Ziegler still seems to be weighing his options and not sure if he wants to work on a WRAP Plan and or connect to any of the available Mental Health services, we will continue to offer him hope for recovery. New referral through Community Services for Jail this month is Mark Seidenberg on 5/21, who was also seen on this day is in need of Mental Health services, developing a wrap plan and creating connections in the community, which Mr. Seidenberg appeared very eager to want to work on. Mr. Siedenberg does not have a release as of yet so, we will closely monitor. Three referrals this month came through Mobile Mental Health and are as follows: Alijah Toro on 5/21, Heather Avery on 5/08 and Julia Stephenson on 5/21. Mr. Toro is working on a WRAP Plan, being reconnected to Mental Health services and Medication monitoring. Mr. Toro arrived to us homeless, and in need of assistance with the Department of Family services. At this time Mr. Toro has been placed in the Motel and has Foodstamps. Heather Avery is working on a WRAP plan, housing and remaining abstinent from Alcohol use. Heather is connected…
Good afternoon Corbin, The current National Oncology/Infusion Competency version 2 specifies the following: (a) Inital evaluation requires a total of two PATT-2 media fill challenge with needles and one modified PhaSeal PATT (b) Ongoing requires one PATT-2 challenge and one modified PhaSeal Following the last OSC meeting, there were some confusions amongst the SCAL Oncology Supervisors with regards to PATT-2 testing for new hires and existing staff. Can you please provide clarification on…
Method 1. Scissors were used to cut the rubber band, making the rubber band one straight line instead of a circular shape. 2. One end of the rubber band was securely tied to the middle of the skewer. The other end was securely tied to the hook of the 100g slotted steel weight. 3. The skewer was placed along the rim of the 250mL measuring cylinder, which allowed the rubber band and steel weight to hang within the measuring cylinder. Play dough was placed, to secure the skewer, to the edges of…
Mark Twain’s life is full of quotes and passages we can all relate to. But there was one that stood out to me when I did my research reading “Plan for the future because that 's where you are going to spend the rest of your life”. (On planning for the future by Mark Twain. (n.d.)) This simple idea from Twain made perfect sense after I really read into Letters from The Earth from our text book. (Twain, M., & Doyno, V. (1995)) Twain in Letter II writes about Heaven with “His heaven is like…
The Unfathomable Banning of Huckleberry Finn Literature throughout all of history has conveyed thoughts, enlightened minds, and has satirized issues of its time. Literature educates those of all ages and knows no bounds. It allows us of the present a look at the past and to those of the past it gives hope of the future. Many of these works have been revered for their brilliance, but one of them specifically has been scored and ridiculed unjustly. That book in particular is The…
In life, who a person is defines them. One must first discover their social identity in order to understand who they are as a person. Some college students determine their own identity because they have their own views on who they want to be and can make their own decisions. However, Students’ environment plays a bigger role because they influence a student on who they should be. In Accidental Billionaire written by Ben Mezrich, he tells the story of the creation of Facebook through the eyes of…
what other districts are doing and what their money source tells them to do. Elections are not cheap and the people that donate their money are behind the scenes making the decisions. When a board votes on banning a novel from the curriculum, most of the votes are dependent on what they feel. No fact comes to light when a decision is being made. They are allowed to make decisions that affect thousands of students solely based on their opinion. They are restricting the students from gaining their…
Kohlmeyer, née Rittenberg, was born on November 3, 1912 in New Orleans, Louisiana to Polish immigrant parents. She attended Tulane University of New Orleans and received a bachelor’s degree in English Literature in 1933. She met her husband Hugh Kohlmeyer after graduation, and it was on their honeymoon that she fell in love with art and began pursuing her passion for painting and sculpting. She returned to school and received her Master’s of Fine Art from Tulane University in 1956, as a special…
Facebook sadly depends exclusively on one income source and that is promoting. While the organization remains the most mainstream online networking website, its general development has impeded and different destinations keep on seeing an increment in their client base. This will in the end redirect income to other online networking locales. Reports state, CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is centered around expanding client base crosswise over organizations and will move adaptation of Instagram and WhatsApp…
Was Caesar Ambitious? Using Mark Anthony’s funeral speech and Caesar’s own words, analyze what kind of king Caesar would have been had he lived. The play relays the tragic death of Julio Caesar. After Caesar defeated Pompey, he returns triumphant to Rome were the lower and middle class are his supporters, while the senate has grown in envy of his popularity. During the festival at Caesar’s return, Anthony offer the crown to Caesar three times and three times he refuses it. His ambitious was…