It allows the associates who partake in Depot Day, to take pride in the fact that they are assisting in their local community and making a difference. The service’s provided by Office Depot allows the customer sound technological advice rather than a sales pitch. Many times just taking the time to sit and explain how some of the new technology features work, allows the customer to better relate to the product and become more open to technology rather than to avoid it. Take for instance the time a resident forgot the password to her desktop and was unable to use her computer. A perfectly fine machine, but she couldn’t log onto it. After getting to her room and booting up her P.C. our associate was able to bypass the sign on screen and create a new password for the resident. For the simple fact that now she could communicate again with her friends and family long-distance…
The importance of community service has been interlaced into the majority of the nursing classes I have had at the bachelor’s level and the master’s level of education. Being active in community service has been presented as a cornerstone of my nursing career in the work place as a leader within my organization. I am learning now that being involved in community service holds true for the nurse educator as well. Dawson & Freed (2008), state that “professional nurses have a commitment to…
Committed, Generous, Supportive these are words describing volunteering. Volunteering to me is a person who loves to help other people, they aren't selfish but determined to make a change in the community. In fact if you want to hear about a place you can keep reading. The founder of the establishment is Anna Marie Hackett, she came up with the idea. The purpose of this establishment is because they saw a need to help the elderly. The audience they hold is the elderly. If you would like to…
The service projects I have completed this semester have contributed towards my personal growth in many ways. By taking on the opportunities provided during the course, I have been able to further embrace my civic responsibility, professional development, and social understanding. By participating in a variety of service projects, I have gained the knowledge of understanding how important it is that I do my part in helping others in my community. Many of us come from the same area, and have had…
1.Introduction “Power is the ability to do good for others” – Brooke Astor Community service is unpaid voluntary work with an aim of helping an underprivileged cause . It is important not only because you are doing good and beneficial for your community but also because taking part and volunteering teaches us comparison and understanding. We too are able to get exposure to certain things and gain knowledge and some experience from community service. 2.Social issue. A very common social issue…
I decided to do community service that is more diverse than what I did last year. Last year, I did all of my work at the Newport Beach Public Library. This year, I did three events at Pegasus and one event for the Boy Scouts. My events with Pegasus added up to nine hours, and one hour for the Boy Scouts’ yard sale. I had a lot more fun with community service this year, and I feel that I helped more people, rather than just shelving books. I first did community service at Bookmark Pegasus. I was…
Community service hours that are treated with the respect they deserve and instead of being mandated, should be celebrated. Mandatory community service hours are too stressful for students. Instead of focusing on academic work, students are too focused on getting their community service hours done. This issue can be solved by making community service encouraged. Community service hours will not necessarily need to be done, but will be highly promoted by the teachers so there is still a…
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever."- Mahatma Gandi. For my service learning project I chose to volunteer at my schools Agriculture area. Many people were there including myself helping out and trying to keep it nice and clean. It was a very fun four hour experience I met some new people,I also learned how to plant many types of plants and trees. It wasn't as bad as I thought considering that it's a get dirty job, but it was fun to do. I would recommend…
Participating in community services has become a big part of the world we know today. The service can be as small as picking up garbage along the side of the road, or as big as traveling to different countries to help with natural disasters. All those things have something in common; doing something to change the world for free. I got the opportunity to interview someone who has changed the world for people who thought there was nothing good that could come from the world when everything they…
As members of our high school’s Key Club, a community service international group, we pride ourselves in community service and our ability to enjoy the service projects we commit ourselves to. The benefits we reap from taking a part in community service goes beyond the mere hours for a sheet; we gain the morale and communication skills that the “real world” expects us to live up to. However, making community service a graduation requirement would make students dread the act, viewing service more…