previously mentioned above we will write the numbers as followed: 2.00, 0.23, 0.19, and 3.00. when this step is done students are then encouraged to align the decimals so it looks something similar to (Small, 2013): 2.00 0.23 0.19 3.00 This ensures that students can see where the ones, tens and hundreds fall so that it is simpler to compare. Another method that could be used to correct this misconception is by using base ten blocks to represent the difference in value. Instead of using the base ten blocks in the way that they are most typically used to represent 100, 10 and 1, let them instead represent 1,0.1 and 0.01 (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2006). By having the blocks represent 1, 0.1 and 0.01 students are able to use them to physically represent the problem they are faced with so they could represent the problem given as: Another way to correct this misconception is through the use of a grid. To do this you use a 10x10 grid and have it represent 1, each column in the grid represent 0.1 and each square in the grid represent 0.01. If you were to use this method to portray the example above it would look something like the following (if the blue were to represent the boxes that are colored in) (Ontario Ministry of…
stability a republic could provide, while Mery Otis Warren wanted to ensure that the government was small, secure, and did not become to powerful or aristocratic. Raised by a wealthy family and very well educated, James Madison easily became a dominant figure in politics. “By the 1780’s, James Madison had had his finger in every kind of political pie on the local, state, confederation, and finally national level.” (Roark 190). This makes it easy to understand why Madison was able to break…
James Madison took these concerns, and addressed them in Federalist 10. He argued that a large republic wouldn’t limit liberty or promote tyranny, and that the people would be fully represented. Madison’s first argument was that it was nearly impossible for the government to become a superpower. The Constitution had built in “fail-safes” for the government, and it was difficult to gain enough power to be despotic. One of those fail-safes was the principle of limited government. Limited…
horror and disgust at the distractions with which they were continually agitated, and at the rapid succession of revolutions, by which they were kept perpetually vibrating between the extremes of tyranny and anarchy” (Carey and McClellan Pg. 37) The Union would be a moderating force to the passions of man. In Federalist 10 Madison complained of democracy, “measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice, and the rights of the minor party; but by the superior force of an…
Shannon said, “While waiting for somewhere to live, my family and I stayed at my aunt’s house in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was finally about to get a job two months later in Mandeville, Louisiana. Shannon then mover to Madisonville, Louisiana. During Hurricane Katrina she said, “The hurricane was a devastating and rough time with no food, water, power, or sleep.” It was a day she would never forget. Even though Hurricane Katrina was 10 years ago she said,” it still feels like yesterday.…
a) hospitals (ICD codes) ICD codes are used in health care to correctly state diseases on patients’ health files. Currently, the codes ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS are used in hospitals. The code ICD-10-PCS is used for inpatient procedures and consists of seven characters. The second and third components are characters that contain both letters and numerals; with each character able to hold up to 34 values. The components from the fourth through the seventh can be either alpha or numeric. ICD-10-PCS…
made sure she was at eye-level and when she was within a foot of my face she said, “I hope you’re happy,” before moving on to Presley. After their short encounter my mom tripped as she walked away and that would be the last time we saw her for several years. Once again the puzzle pieces that once held together a picture of my family were being taken apart and put into separate boxes. My dad lived in another school district, so once again I had to say goodbye to the friends that I had grown…
When James Madison outlines the dangers of faction in Federalist No. 10, he defines faction as “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are some common...interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens.” 1 This wording is critical for examining both the goals and pivotal ideas of the federalist movement. At first glance, this definition seems to reflect the very real fear of mob uprising. Certainly, it’s tone insinuates an image of mob…
This can be shown as the words to describe the hawk such as “clawed” in line 9, “tear” in line 10, and “deadly” in line 17 all contains a fiercefully, ruthless, and cruel connotation, contrasting with the words used to describe the preys such as “lost” in line 11, “hopping” in line 12 and “gentleness” in line 13. This contrast between the use of words is important as it determines the position the readers are in, thus feeling a sense of relief when “the hawk flapped up again --- tenderness…
In 2012 a family of 4 moved from Madison, Alabama to Bend, Oregon. They have visited Bend, Oregon every year for 10 years. They have watched the area grow and decided they wanted to move here. The family found a home in Awbrey Glen. The area was just the right size, the streets weren't crowded with houses, and the traffic was at a minimum. But after four years they started to second guess moving to the area. Northwest Crossing (a neighborhood in Bend) started crowding both sides of the…