Federalist No. 10 Analysis

Great Essays
When James Madison outlines the dangers of faction in Federalist No. 10, he defines faction as “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united...by some common...interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens.” 1 This wording is critical for examining both the goals and pivotal ideas of the federalist movement. At first glance, this definition seems to reflect the very real fear of mob uprising. Certainly, it’s tone insinuates an image of mob citizenry diametrically opposed to a smaller elite. However, although this image may have captured this political component of the United States in November 1787, a closer inspection yields a less controversial interpretation. The fact that Madison includes the word “minority” in this definition of faction shifts the focus away from the idea that the majority itself is fearsome and focuses on the dangerous implications of an ideology shared within an insular group. Thus, the framers …show more content…
Since these solutions were found to be unreasonable by the framers, the only recourse for the Federalists was to remediate the problems caused by faction.
The first way that the framers sought to build safeguards against faction into the constitution is through the prevention of majority. This idea of tyranny of the majority is distinct from the fear of a mob uprising in that tyranny of the majority occurs through politically legitimate channels.2 Essentially, if the political system is not set up to limit majorities, those with similar ideas and interests can form groups that overwhelm minority interest groups.1 Therefore, tyranny of the majority truly reflects a concern in how the high minded ideal of representation can also undermine

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