2. Analysis 2.1 Politeness 2.1.1 Polite Ending and Confirmation Questions Generally to say about the background about the video, speaker M is a famous singer and speaker F is a famous actress. The conversation was started when they met at the first time. They were unknown each other before; so, the relationship looks like unfamiliar and unfriendly. However, after they had honest talk more and more, they started to be turned in favor of each other and be familiar. By communicating, I can find politeness routines and can apply them to the linguistic strategy. Confirmation question have a politeness and softness from utterance between interviewer and interviewee. Also, confirmation question is essential for conversation when people meet someone at first because it provide keep talking softly and it show enough conversation with people. According to the article “The Structure and Use of Korean Honorifics,” -yo demonstrates that polite and formal ending and it sounds soft to interlocutor. Speaker M uses the polite marker -yo line 1 (“저도 사::이즈 싫어하는것 있어요”) as he ends his verb ‘-있어요.’ Speaker M tends to mark politeness when speaking with speaker F. In response Speaker F say (“아: 그래요”) which is a confirmation question in response to speaker M’s utterance. Speaker F also uses politeness through the -yo ending (line 2). Speaker F then asks a question, (“왜요?”) by using the -yo politeness ending with an interrogative sentence (line 4). In the following sequence, speaker M…
'To Autumn ' consists of three eleven-line stanzas, each containing the sights, smells and sounds of an Autumn scene. Each stanza has a different subject matter, following a chronological sequence. The poem is written in rather strict iambic pentameter, with only four lines in the poem breaking this structure. There are generally five iambs to each line. This methodical meter is effective as it gives the poem a lyrical, relaxed tone. Although the poem 's scene is bursting with life, it is…
“My Papa’s Waltz” The poem “My Papa’s Waltz” written by Theodore Roethke is a great poem to show an example of a child’s life. In this poem, the deepest love from the father to his son was a key part in “My Papa’s Waltz”. There is no love like a child’s love for his/her parent, it is the best ‘type’ of love out there. In this poem, Theodore Roethke uses great words to describe what is going on in their house as a family of three. Every word in the stanza’s in this poem are greatly worded and…
There is a quote by C.G. Jung that reads, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”. I want to use this as the scope to understand the speaker in Robert Browning’s poem My Last Duchess. In the psychologically charged poem, the Duke (the speaker of the poem) uses the dramatic monologue to convey his feelings of his late duchess, as well as why he had her killed. The duke puts immense value on his imaginary hypotheticals, in an attempt to rationalize…
Sixteenth century poet John Donne author of the Holy Sonnet Fourteen; ‘Batter my Heart’ is known as the founder of the Metaphysical Poets a term used to refer to 17th-century English writers whose work was characterized by the inventive use of conceits, and by a greater emphasis on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their verse. Donne adopts Petrarchan sonnet form for the majority of this poem which aids the seamless fluidity of this sonnet. Donne’s Religious poetry demonstrates turning…
Vestiges, an Analysis Vestiges, by A. Van. Jordan, on the surface, is a free verse, short, and well written poem. The narrator is the speaker, and it is 6 stanzas and 6 sentences alike. Technically strong, and inbred with gorgeous imagery, Vestiges is not easily forgotten. It’s depth however, exceeds the simple haunting of the baseline beauty. The speaker in the poem fears death; he fears the anonymity that accompanies it. With this, he seeks companionships in the act. Contemplation of…
Bleak Streets: Connotation, Tone, and Symbolism in William Blake’s London When one thinks about the city of London, they think of all the good things. Concepts like a fairy tale monarchy and citizens with delightful accents are the common allure for those born outside the monarchy. What they do not remember are all the horrible things that happened there, like the Black Plague and the reign of King Henry VIII. Even today there is crime and corruption throughout the city. What William Blake wants…
“How Do I Love Thee” , by Elizabeth Barrett Browning , is an English sonnet , written in 1845. It has fourteen lines in total. It has ten syllables per line. The type of poem supports the theme of the poem. Sonnets are considered the poetic language of love. The type of poem helps support the passion in the poem and magnifies it even more. The love in this poem , would not be properly displayed if it was written in any other form of poetry. The rhyme scheme for “How Do I Love Thee” is not the…
Sonnet VI Michael Drayton’s sonnet number six describes a setting of the world where many women paint the streets. Drayton in line 1 explains that these women are “paltry, foolish, painted things” describing them as meager or of no importance where as they try to by foolishly painting themselves with make-up like children playing adults for a day. These women surround coaches on the streets soon to be forgotten due to the fact that no poet has ever written about them in a sense that gives a…
Title: The Poetic World of Vievee Francis – Analysis of Forest Primeval The poet, Vievee Francis, opens her book, Forest Primeval, with two short poems, “Another Antipastoral” and “White Mountain”. These two poems show broader thoughts of Francis such as how she sees and feels the world surrounding her as she introduces her new book of poems. A book of poems may have a number of different thoughts in each poem, but the different thoughts actually comes from one writer so the main notion behind…