of the spark’s of the renaissance era; only to be somewhat mocked by Sir Philip Sidney’s humorous remarks about love and relationships. Brining a focus on Neo-Platonic ideas, John Donne and Katherine Phillips brought an understanding between holy/metaphysical ideas and the bodily bond of the beloved, providing insight that love means being equal with the spouse.…
Sir Philip Sidney’s The Defence of Poesie has been described as ‘instinct with and informed by a desire to reply to what any lover of poetry must consider a perverse and wrong-headed attack.’ Sidney identifies several charges which make up this ‘wrong-headed attack’; that there are ‘many other more fruitful knowledges’ than poetry, that poetry ‘is the mother of lies,’ and that poetry ‘is the nurse of abuse.’ These perceptions confronting literature were legitimate beliefs in Elizabethan England…
The conglomeration of people that believe that King Lear is the product of the combining of stolen works base their argument on several key works: The True Chronicle History of the life and death of King Leir and his three Daughters, Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella, whose author remains anonymous; Arcadia by Sir Philip Sidney; and the true story of Sir Brian Annesley. Many people believe that the stories of Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Kent, and Lear came from “The True Chronicle History of the life…
Sense of entitlement can be considered an unrealistic or an unmerited expectation that could develop from favorable living conditions and desired treatment at the hands of others. In Shakespeare’s play King Lear, readers are hooked on a story bounded much by the relationship between a parent and a child. This relationship described throughout the play is unnatural due to the sense of entitlement each character demands upon the other. The lies told by various characters throughout the play,…
Oscar Wilde implements a heavy focusses significant attention on class in The Importance of Being Earnest. People with and without money behave very differently, though strive for the same response and impressions from their peers. The characters in this novel are exaggerated to the point of absurdity when it comes to their obsession with class. Victorian upper class demands its members to keep up an important image in society and value money and appearance above all else, including people.…
Every day, we hear the term ‘love’ in a plethora of situations. So, what is love? According to Shakespeare, in sonnet 116 - The first quatrain describes love as an unchangeable force in the lines “Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds, / Or bends with the remover to remove: / O no! it is an ever-fixed mark.” Shakespeare enforces the fact that true love always perseveres, no matter what it’s up against by using the metaphor, “That looks on tempests and is never shaken” in the…
Both King Lear and Of Love and Dust are stories about characters who seek power, but die because a stronger power is in their way. In both stories, two kinds of power are contrasted: physical power, or violence, and psychological power. Physical power is the kind of power people use when they’re threatening to use or are using brute force on someone else. Cornwall uses this when he blinds Gloucester in King Lear, as does Bonbon when he shoots the hawk as a threat to Marcus in Of Love and Dust.…
In the novel, Edmund shows both greed and dutifulness as a way of showing duplicity of both society as a whole and man in particular. Edmund is a bastard to Gloucester, a duke of England. He has a step-brother, Edgar, who is a son of Gloucester by law, despite not actually being his biological offspring. Edmund shows his inner greed through his famous speech: (add quote, "Thy nature art my goddess") This quote clearly shows Edmund desiring his brother's holdings, lusting after them with a…
In London was where Shakespeare got his beginning. By the 1590’s Shakespeare was managing an acting company in London. It was called The Lord Chamberlain’s men. While managing this company it became very popular, also Shakespeare began publishing and selling his work. By 1597 he had fifteen plays published and by 1599 Shakespeare and a few business built their own theater on the bank of the Thames River. They later named it The Globe (“Prezi 3”). Some of Shakespeare’s earlier plays include…
Comparing Poetry by William Shakespeare and Phillip Sidney William Shakespeare and Phillip Sidney’s sonnets (specifically, 130 for Shakespeare and 7 for Sidney) do similar things like comparing women to things in nature, but they come up with different conclusions in the end. For example, one could say that Shakespeare compares the woman in his poem to nature in order to prove that it isn’t necessary to be similar nature to make her beautiful and rare. Then, Sidney compares his lady, Stella, to…