Will Rickels Livestock living Conditions Have you ever driven by a feedlot full of cattle that are buried up to their bellies with manure? How about seeing the methane gas that they have no choice but to constantly breathe? Maybe you know about the millions of hogs that are currently locked in confinement. These are the reasons why America’s livestock need better living conditions. The first major issue with livestock is the lack of bedding that they receive. Animals need bedding to stay dry. This is important to keep animals warm and free of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, caused by moisture and gas produced by manure. Also, it is not uncommon in the case of hogs to see open, bloody sores on their shoulders because they are forced to lay on hard floors typically made of wood, plastic, or concrete full-time. Bedding shouldn’t be an optional thing, for example, humans don’t sleep on bare, cold concrete floors at night. Another alarming issue is confinement. Hogs are forced to live out most of their lives in crates that only allow them enough room to stand up and lay down. Sows cannot turn around and can’t step forward or backward. Farrowing crates are also an issue because they keep hogs from caring for their pigs naturally. It is common for sows to accidentally lay on their pigs because they…
Livestock cage laws I am going to prove that the new livestock cage laws are wrong. Gestation crates and farrowing crate are helpful and should not be banded. I believe that no matter what people think there are many benefits by using these pens. I am planning to give the reasons to keep them, and then give the counter thought and why it is weak. New cage laws would harm livestock because when hogs are pregnant, they attack other hogs, mother can also crash their piglets and chickens are in…
Raising livestock for slaughter has been a long used practice throughout the world for centuries, and with growing populations of people, the livestock industry has had to greatly increase production. In order to meet demand, they have been trying different techniques to raise their animals faster, making them fatter at a younger age. This has been done by replacing more natural feeds such as grasses and legumes with foods like grain and corn. This fattens the animals quickly, and quickens the…
especially livestock producers. Livestock producers have used steroids since 1951 and they probably will not stop unless the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration. finds a problem with this current practices. The FDA currently oversees drug use and could stop misuse with the snap of a finger. They have already banned fifty-two drugs and will most likely continue to ban more. Since the FDA is not putting a stop to steroid use in cattle, livestock producers are taking a big advantage of this…
human population that depends on livestock production in both region as well as country wise, the development of domestic and export markets is critical to alleviating poverty, raising revenues and continuing the trend towards more market ‐ orientation. It is keen to promote the export of live animals and meat with a growing interest in value addition by maximizing export revenues, creating jobs and offsetting the limitations arising from Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary requirements for live animal…
Australia’s population growth will place enormous pressure on the food production industry as crop productions and livestock grazing must increase to support the growth (Ruiz et al. 2013). However, the competition for land between residential and agricultural uses has limited the availability of cultivable land (Ruiz et al. 2013). Thus, sustainability is a major concern as production industries are forced to move further out from the capital cities and thus, will drive the cost of food up (Ruiz…
Livestock production and climate change affect and get influenced by each other. The most important effects of climate change on the environment and livestock include rise in temperature, elevation in sea level, alteration in microbial eco-system and several others effects, known or unknown which might affect the livestock positively or negatively. There have been various predictions about the quantum of sea level rise with varying degree of confidence because many of the natural phenomena have…
1. Hardy, Brian. “The Issue of Antibiotic Use In The Livestock Industry: What Have We Learned.” Animal Biotechnology, vol. 13, 1 May 2002, pp. 129–147. EBSCOHost, web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&sid=965d515f-b395-4ea8-9312-6fdd149959c4%40sessionmgr103. SUMMARIZE: The scholarly journal discuss the different aspects of antibiotic use. The first idea that is covered is antibiotic use to improve growth in livestock. The author tells that this use of antibiotics has been around…
1.Describe one of the cattle breeds that are found on the Dickenson farm. Why is Ohio a good place to raise the breeds shown in the video? Longhorns are a type of cattle that are grown in the United States. As their name suggests, they have long horns. Grass is an essential food to longhorns. Ohio has healthy grass that will be wonderful for the longhorns. 2.How did the J & N Ranch change their cows? Why did they do this? The J & N Ranch changed their cows color to black by breeding them…
vision statement constructed is ‘To be recognised as a leading stock and station agent that benefits livestock producers in Camden, Nowra and greater regions, providing services with professionalism and integrity’. Staff members when asked if the company vision was known were unsure as to what the future aspirations would be. Catherine Berriman, accounts manager for Jim Hindmarsh…