Mill o One part of James Mill’s utilitarianism is stated as, “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness” (151). o If one looks at this part of the theory, then James Mill’s view on the illegality more than likely would be that it is morally unsound to prevent patients from getting what they need because the product makes them happy. o He would say the action of preventing the product to be legally obtained is not right because as stated, actions are right when they produce happiness, not the opposite. o In addition to the actions are right perspective, James Mill also said, “Pleasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends” (151). o This supports the guess that he would be against illegality because preventing patients from getting the product results in pain and Mill himself said freedom from pain is a main desire as an…
without a government system stating what is right and what is wrong there would be nothing but chaos in that country. It would be much like a country in the state of nature as according to Hobbes. There would be no balance amongst the people just a constant battle over what every individual wants for themselves. As according to James…
We are all familiar with the term “achievement gap”, but according to journalist and mountaineer, James Edward Mills, there is also a “comparable divide” when it comes to minority groups and their participation in outdoor recreation. He’s appropriately terms this phenomenon as “the adventure gap.” This disparity becomes more and more evident, as studies by the Outdoor Foundation conclusively prove that participation in outdoor recreation is much lower among Hispanic and African-American…
These are only some of the ways that animals directly affect humans. Due to these reason, it would make sense for a person that has an altruistic or egoistic viewpoint to want to help protect endangered species because these species in return could be useful to them at some point in time. By allowing endangered species to go extinct, altruistic or egoistic people are missing out on species that could have benefitted them. Utilitarianism, according to Barbara MacKinnon, is a normative theory…
John Stuart Mill is considered one of the most notorious philosopher in the late nineteen century who on morality grounds defended the idea of utilitarianism. Mill constructively argued that being cultured is what was the soul to happiness and if one' was to keep happiness on the highest level of morality then it would lead to higher goals and ambitions. Mill's explained the relation between how pigs and humans evaluated behavior in a philosophical manner, he was content with the idea that a…
philosopher John Stuart Mill discusses the sanctions and the motives that human beings have that lead them to act in a moral manner. In this paper, I will be exploring in what ways J.S. Mill supports his claims. I will also be delving into analyzing what exactly the motives are, according to Mill. Then I will decide whether or not those motives provide compelling grounds for people to consistently act in a moral manner, no matter the circumstances. I will also be inspecting whether this theory…
The theories of John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant are well known for their viewpoints of moral law. In this paper I will discuss the great differences between the two theories of both philosophers as well as review some of the main objections and rebuttals to their arguments. Further, I aim to prove that although the Utilitarian theory is often recognized as the ‘Happiness Theory’, it in fact allows for the sacrifice of some peoples’ happiness for the sake of maximizing the aggregate happiness…
happiness for the greatest numbers (100). This may be helpful for short term tasks and requirements, but in the long run always choosing the action that benefits everyone would ultimately hold people back. I will discuss both sides to utilitarianism, how it can be beneficially and harmful. In doing so, I will explore John Stuart Mill’s side as he supports utilitarianism, as well as the opposition. First off, John Stuart Mill is one of the many supports of utilitarianism as he uses the idea of…
The proper route to obtain eternal happiness is a controversial subject for many. Should one constantly focus on his own personal happiness, or should one make the happiness of others his priority? What if the individual who endeavors never-ending euphoria is indeed the most broken inside? This concept was the chief issue in the autobiography of John Stuart Mill, a 19th century English philosopher. Mill's reasoning of just 'going with the flow' by concentrating less about personal happiness is…
Zenith is one of the largest mining and crushing equipment manufacturers in the world. It is recommended that processing infrastructure be sourced from Zenith if it economically viable. A crusher will be essential in processing the material. There are many different types of crushers available, such as; cone crusher, jaw crusher, grinding mill, ball mill and mobile crusher. It is recommended that the most economically viable crusher be assessed to determine the most appropriate processing…