James T. Kirk

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    James T. Kirk 3 Analysis

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    June 19 1683, James T. Kirk III, soon to be king of London, England, received a gift from a nice witch. She gave James a magic crown that was able to make people do what he bids. It also had the power to turn him to whatever physical appearance, permanently. So he wanted to have lighter hair and be taller; he wanted to look cool. Unfortunately the crown couldn’t change the fact he talks fast and laughs a lot, so he wanted to fix that, but the crown couldn’t fix it. Anywho, the next day he commanded his father to make him king and since the crown can control any person, his father had no choice but to do what he was told. He asks his father for the crown to get money from the kingdom. He loves money and everything he thinks is money and…

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    “There are certain things men must do to remain men. Your computer would take that away.” Wise words from Captain James T. Kirk. “The Ultimate Computer,” an episode from Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek: The Original Series, effectively details human reaction toward technology and how far advancement should extend. Star Trek scrutinizes the consequences of space travel and exploration, advancement of technology, and militarization. In the episode “The Ultimate Computer,” the crew of the U.S.S.…

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    Kirk, the captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek, maintains his essential nature while attempting to solve the problems that arise throughout the mission in that episode. James T. Kirk otherwise known as Captain Kirk makes all the decisions usually in the episode. Captain Kirk’s most intense character trait is his hatred for all things evil or tyrant. He is destined to destroy, capture, and protect against all evil. Luke Skywalker in Star Wars is the equivalent and can be compared to…

    • 800 Words
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    philosophical and aware of the danger the technology could pose. Several of the characters discuss the possible ramifications of Genesis throughout the film. The first character to discuss the dangers of Genesis is Dr. David Marcus, one of the head scientists on the project. While he is speaking to his mother, Dr. Carol Marcus, he remarks, “We’ve built something that can be perverted into a terrible weapon,” (David Marcus, Wrath of Khan). Although he believes that this weapon can be used for…

    • 1906 Words
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    On the Subject of Quantum Teleportation “Beam me up, Scotty” Captain James T. Kirk exclaims, as he narrowly escapes a macabre fate at the hands of the Klingon army. A beam of light is cast down onto the captain, instantaneously transporting him aboard the safety of his own starship. This technology, employing the use of teleportation, has saved many U.S.S. Enterprise crew members lives’ throughout countless episodes of the Sci-Fi TV series Star Trek. Teleportation being largely fictional at the…

    • 1121 Words
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    History of the Company Kirk’s Catering & Carryout is my dad, Kirk Hamilton’s, restaurant, located in Statesville, North Carolina. He has always worked in the food industry, and has always been passionate about food, so when the restaurant he was working at laid off a lot of people and moved him to a new location, he decided that that was the perfect time to open his own restaurant like he has always wanted. Kirk’s Catering & Carryout officially opened in May of 2012, but the business plan…

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  • Superior Essays

    Ben Hur Film Analysis

    • 1142 Words
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    Kirk Douglas has been quoted as believing the main storyline of the movie is one of love. He stated "Love predominates all through the movie: love between Spartacus and Varinia, love among the men; the whole revolt was based on a love of freedom, a love of humanity“. It is also said that, due to his Zionist background, Douglas also wanted a storyline to parallel the struggles, and efforts of Jewish people, in an expression of his religious background. This is a fair analysis of events; however,…

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    Tommy Lee Speeches

    • 692 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Hey, that's right it's me, the best in the business. No need to get star struck, I promise.(pause for laughter) I may be the best drummer, from the best band, with the best set, but I hope you can handle the radical emanating off this stage. (Shrug) Oh right, for those of you who don't know, my name's (point to self) Tommy Lee. The famous drummer of Motley Crüe, one of the best bands of this decade. You probably are just here for the autographs at the end, but you're going to sit through this…

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    acquired AT&T Corp., creating the new AT&T. With the merger of AT&T and BellSouth in 2006, and the consolidated ownership of Cingular Wireless and YELLOWPAGES.COM, AT&T is positioned to lead our industry in one of its most significant transformations since the first telephone more than 130 years ago. One of AT&T’s strengths is there is their Broadband service because they are the nation’s largest broadband provider. They provide good high speed internet which has a lot of good features unlimited…

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    largest mergers in U.S. business history. GTE was a major telecommunications company with 1999 revenues of more than $25 billion. Bell Atlantic was part of the original Bell System and had 1999 revenues of more than $33 billion. GTE and Bell Atlantic evolved and grew through decades of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures” (@ 2016). “Verizon began as the largest fixed-line telephone company in the United States. Today, Verizon has successfully transformed into a wireless leader with the most…

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