The heat exchanger design is an optimization engineering problem, to approach the best solution for sizing and selection of a heat exchanger and also to analyze its thermal performance. A properly sized heat exchanger should incorporate excess capacity to account for fouling that will occur during operation but too much oversizing results in higher manufacturing and installation costs. The most appropriate metric to describe the performance of a heat exchanger is its thermal capacity, which is its ability to transfer heat between the hot and cold fluids at different temperatures. Thermal capacity depends on the design of the heat exchanger unit and the fluid properties that flow in the device. If the heat transfer surface is sufficient, the…
Analysis Double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape Inserts Dissertation submitted In partial fulfilment of requirement For the award of degree of Master of Technology in Thermal Engineering by Sattenapalli Girish 13131D2105 Under the Guidance of Smt. V. Sireesha Assistant professor Department of Mechanical Engineering GAYATRI VIDYA PARISHAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Kakinada) VISHAKHAPATNAM - 53004 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the…
it becomes more important to optimize the existing energy and utility systems. For example, heat exchange network development from the embryonic stage or retrofit of current systems are one of the challenges of chemical engineering nowadays. Heat exchange network design might have various objective functions, such as minimum utility costs, minimum investment costs or minimization of the number of possible matches in the configuration. To address these challenges, optimisation tools and…
overall heat transfer coefficient, the effects of insulation, and the number of fouled tubes in the shell and tube heat exchanger. The flow rates of the hot water supply to the tubes and the cold water supply to the shell were varied, and temperatures for the hot inlet, hot outlet, cold inlet, and cold outlet streams were recorded. These temperatures were recorded for each of the three experimental setups, which were no fouling or insulation, insulation with no fouling, and insulation with an…
Prepared to: Dr. Maohong Fan Subject: Heat Transfer from Steam to Water Date: 11/01/2013 Summary: The objective of this experiment was to investigate the overall heat transfer ( Uₒ ) for the external heat exchanger at two different water circulation rates by using two methods “ Heating Liquids in Tank Storage ” and “ Corning Heat Exchanger “ . Briefly, the measurements were done by changing the volume flow rate between 40 lbm/min and 70 lbm/min for the first part of the experiment which was…
minerals, and on the other hand heat capacity increase with higher water content. During the installation of heat exchanger soil loss it structure due to drilling then the thermal conductivity is determined by mineral contain. The porosity of soil varies from place to place some kind of soil having less porosity but on the other hand some having high porosity like peat which consume water approximate 100%. To sum up, the important factor of the variation of the thermal property during the…
Numerical and Computational Fluid dynamics analysis of heat transfer enhancement and the corresponding pressure drop over a flat surface equipped with cylindrical cross-sectional perforated and solid pin fins in a rectangular channel. The channel had a cross-sectional area of 250-100 mm2. The experiments covered the following range: Reynolds number 13,500–43,500, the constant clearance ratio (C/H) = 0, the inter-fin spacing ratio (Sy/D) 1.944 and 3.417 for Staggered arrangement and Inline…
x C_p x (T_e-T_i )=0.1908 x 1007 x (42-36.71)=1016.42 W Q_Latent=m x ΔX(Humidity ratio) Q_Latent=400 x (1.574)*3.5 /12000=0.1836 Kw Q_(Heat Recovered)=Q_Sensible+Q_Latent=1.01642+0.1836=1.20 Kw The Efficiency of HPHX is ratio of actual heat transfer to the maximum possible heat transfer. Since HPHX involves recovery of only sensible heat, therefore the efficiency of HPHX can also be defined as ratio of actual temperature drop to maximum possible temperature drop. [51]…
However, now with the endothermic and exothermic reactions, chemical energy exchanges showcased through this technology can save a municipality millions each year. Deep water cooling is a sustainable resource due to water's unique properties. Water, which does not freeze in large bodies of water below the surface, and has a relatively high specific heat capacity creates permanent reservoirs of dense, cold water which is replenished each winter. "Because the water is from the depths of the lake…
Table 11: Solar energy collector type (Source: Kalogirou (2004)) In the textile industry, energy is mainly consumed for heating of liquid baths close to 100 oC for washing, bleaching and dyeing. Drying processes usually use hot air or gases from 100 to 130 oC as shown in Table 12. In a solar process heat system, interfacing of the collectors with conventional energy supplies must be done in a way compatible with the process. The easiest way to make this is by using heat storage, which can also…