Brandon is sitting at his crowded office desk with stacks of papers in the corner, and his lunch out in front of him in Wichita, Kansa, staring out the window watching the wheat as it delicately flows in with the slight breeze. Breaking news just came on tv, a hurricane is about to hit Texas and devastate thousands of people. Brandon automatically starts racking his brain on what to do. Brandon thoughts are all over the place. Should he take that long drive and go down to help, or should he stay here and just send things down to help them. There are many possible ways he could help from home, Brandon starts running his calloused, tan hands through his gingerbread hair trying to think of anyway he can possibly help. But he doesn't know what will happen if he goes down there, he could get stranded if something bad happens .This is serious, he can’t walk away. He suddenly remembers he has family in texas. Brandon just took the next week off of work to go and help texas. He has a 7 ½ hour drive ahead of him. He left work early to go and get supplies so he is ready to help anyone or himself if in need. He attaches his jet ski to his lifted truck, fills up his gas tank and 3 gas cans, got his water shoes for his monstrous size 13 feet, and rain coat for his lengthy 16 inch arms from his house, and hit the road for the drive ahead of him. Brandon is about halfway through his drive to texas, as he is driving he is sees monster trucks, and national guard passing him with…
Under Pressure Today is the big game, as I’m sitting in class thinking how important this game is to the whole school. Even though I was not going to play because I’m the backup goalkeeper I was still excited to be part of the team. This is my senior year and I hoped to have memorable moments. “Let’s all support the boys and girls soccer team in today’s game versus Leuzinger at 7 o clock. Go Cougars!” The principle, Mr. Newell seem extremely excited over the announcements for tonight’s game…
In my life, nothing has taught me more about life than the game of baseball. When you play a game that is about winning and losing since early childhood, you will be able to handle the winning and losing of life a lot easier. Losing always make players dream of what it would be like to win a championship and be the best at there game. I experienced the ups and down’s of this game all to well, and wouldn’t be that person I am today without it. In my first year of kindergarten, I played league…
all kinds of people who play Scrabble competitively, even children. COOPER 2 COOPER: (0:57) A very good game would be like a 400. Braggable is maybe 500. The best I’ve gotten in a club or tournament is 568, but I got like a 6-something against a friend. That’s Cooper Komatsu, an 8th grader from Southern California, and one of the top youth Scrabble players in the country. COOPER 1 COOPER: (16:11) We have the best combined rating, and the highest rated player in the tournament, which is…
playing. I have to shoot on every hoop for the different feels of the rims, using it as a way to get my mind off of being nervous about the college life. I did that every day until Saturday: the game changer. That morning of walking into the gym around 10am there were so many people in the gym. On the left side, it felt as if every machine was being used and I realized for the first time there was a second floor of machines also being put to use. On the right, I could see at the juice bar…
she also seems indifferent to whatever is happening around her. The only time she does seem to be truly enjoying herself is when she is quietly and slowly examining the game she is playing. Comparison: Textbook child and Jwan Development: Social Jwan falls under the 2 ½ and 3 ½ years category from the textbook. Jwan can do almost all the things that the textbook child of his age can except for being potty trained due to which it is safe to assume that he is almost on track of his social…
make an army, from different classes of soldiers, to command and out strategize your opponent from a top down point of view. The strategizing comes in at is when you decide what soldiers to use, and how you what to play the game. For instance, do you want to play with infiltrators and an offensive strategy or do you want to use bulkier characters and play defensive strategy. Even in the game you might have to readjust your plan to better combat your opponent. A study done by Queen Mary and…
According to Wikipedia, “A baseball glove is a large leather glove worn by baseball players of the defending team, which assists players in catching and fielding balls hit by a batter or thrown from a teammate.” To some that do not know the game, a baseball glove is a brown piece of leather to catch a baseball, but to me it has a lot more meaning. The smell of the glove, breaking it in just how it should be, and best of all making a sensational diving play is what I love the most about my glove.…
Over 110 million people watched Super Bowl 50 when the Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10 (Kissell 1). People gathered all across the country with their family and friends to watch the two best teams in the NFL battle it out on the gridiron for supremacy. The Super Bowl is a prime example of the power of sports. Family and friends were united together to watch the game. Also, youth that watched the game observed the power of hard work and what one can accomplish if they set…
playing the game. I believe that cheaters can win the game since some forms of cheating are conventions within each sport. I don’t believe that cheating causes the game to fall apart and end just because someone broke the rules. I think that cheating is apart of all sports and that it should be accepted as part of the game. Cheating can come in a lot of different forms and I believe there are some forms of ‘cheating’ that are permissible within the game and…