Martin Luther King Jr. Once said that “intelligence plus character is the goal of true education.” In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses a young girl named Scout Finch’s views on her schooling in Maycomb, Alabama in order to critique the education system. Scout is a bright young girl who is well above her peers in terms of maturity and intelligence. However, as Scout experiences backlash from her teacher for her advanced skills, she becomes bitter and hardened toward her schooling. Harper Lee uses the perspective of a young child to magnify the flaws in the education system and the negative effects it can have on a society. Shortly after Scout begins her first year of public schooling, the notion that the Maycomb educational system leaves…
The Importance of Public Education Public education is one of the largest investments undertaken by governments worldwide. This causes many to wonder, is it worth it? It turns out, the United States is ranked in the middle of all the top industrial countries when it comes to investing their GDP to public education. This number needs to raise because no other government funded program is more valuable than raising all of our nation’s youth in an educated environment (Mitra 2010). As seen in the…
Argumentative Essay: Flaws of the Education System There are inherent flaws within the education system which we use today pushes students far beyond their limits and it lacks emphasis on practical skill. Schools create a needlessly high stress environment basing their future upon numbers and grades rather than teaching and refining their practical skills. Lots of potential is flushed out of the curriculum due to college and high schools insisting that students must be able to juggle advance…
The differences in both of the novels include modernization, conservatism, and religious conflict. To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman review the thematic issues of injustice and judgment. National political conflict is prevalent and centers the main plot around the two novels. The thematic issues addressed in these novels include law and identity, which review the insight of the main characters. Scout observes Maycomb’s landscape and how modernized it has become. Maycomb in Go Set a…
of To Kill a Mockingbird and the Scottsboro Boys In the 1930’s there was a lot of flaws in the judicial system. Black lives didn’t count back then. The jurors didn’t really care if there was enough evidence to prove their innocence; they would still be guilty. They would presume that a black man is guilty. The jurors were not willing to deal with a black charged with raping. Therefore, the characters from To Kill a Mockingbird have the same attitudes and problems as those from the Scottsboro…
concerned with the failing education system, contributed, in part, by the failure of teachers to effectively teach literature, focusing on the moral values that can be taken from a particular work rather than focusing on the actual literary content, and the lack of literary works that encourage a love of literature and are complex in nature. However, Prose’s arranging of her argument allowed for an ill-conceived notion of what she was really trying to get at. Prose makes an universal assumption…
Juvenile Rehabilitation Draft Throughout history, many methods were utilized to sanction and rehabilitate juvenile delinquents. The following article explores the various techniques which were tried and are currently used and suggested as a means of dealing with offending youths. Mainly, the text inspects the advantages and disadvantages of each system so that readers understand the correlations between the methods and their abilities to produce future law-abiding citizens. Further, the paper…