Why is the second amendment so important? it seems in today's society we find ourselves asking this question whenever a tragedy like the Orlando shooting occurs. the second amendment is what makes America the most unique and special country in the world. We are the only country in the that has a written document that states that citizens have a basic human right to defend themselves and form an a led body militia. It ensures that Americans can keep the government in check and that the citizens have the right to defend themselves. Without the second amendment all other amendments are useless. If I were to protest and exercise my right to free speech on the street in a legal and non violent manner the police have no right to take me out of my…
The second amendment has become a controversial topic in recent politics. Written into the constitution in 1776 by our founding fathers it states “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed upon.” Politicians argue over the meaning of this amendment, but the fathers wrote it clearly, and does not leave room for interpretation. The creators of the second amendment believed that citizens owning guns…
were called amendments and the first ten amendments were named The Bill of Rights. It was required that majority of the vote between the states, wanted these changes. Finally, on September 25, 1787, the constitution and it’s first ten amendments were ratified. Due to our limited amount of resources, the military can’t keep all of its citizens safe. Therefore, the second amendment was passed and ratified onto the constitution. The amendment stated, “A well-regulated militia being necessary to…
The Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed .” But where does this right end? The Second Amendment says that people are able to keep a weapon if needed, but some use this right very unfairly. As people experience this on a daily basis, it provides a hazard to where people live and obstacles as to how to survive. More than 100,000 people…
America The second amendment to our constitution states that Americans have the right to bear arms. Which means own firearms. The original intent was to have the weapons for defense. (Martinell, 2014) However in the wrong hand, firearms can be used to kill people. This makes people wonder, should the 2nd Amendment be repealed or changed. I believe the amendment just needs to be slightly changed because shootings come from mental health problems, the weapons today are too easy to kill a large…
bear arms’. In doing so, Shalhope thinks that the Second amendment was expressive of the individual and the right to possess arms. This examined through the influence of republican ideals (as well as liberal) to form what is now the Second Amendment, beliefs and thinking he thinks shaped the establishment of the amendment. Shalhope looks at the environment and political setting for creation of this amendment, which serves as a frame of reference for political thinking during what he calls an…
The Second Amendment Out the ten Bill of Rights, the second amendment is the most important for many reasons.The second amendment is the most important because it gives us the right to own guns and even use them if necessary.Some examples of the second amendment being the most important will be explained. The first reason why the second amendment is important is because we are an uncommon nation, to have the right to own arms so why change it. Alexander Hamilton, Founding Father, said “The…
Due to the human nature of self-defense, sport, and surviving, the second amendment will always remain relevant in society. Although there are many regulations as to who can own a gun, where they are allowed, and requiring a permit to carry and concealed weapon, the second amendment still protects and grants the right of the militia and citizens to “keep and bear arms”. In order to ensure that the government couldn’t take away the citizens firearms, the founding fathers preserved their right to…
[2] Anti-gun advocates also claim that the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply a private right of self-defense against the state and only toward that of the federal government. [3] In McDonald v. Chicago (2010) the Supreme Court held that the Bill of Rights does apply to the federal government and the states because the U. S. Cont. amend. XIV§ 1 states, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”.…
The constitution was formed on September 17, 1788. Since then, much of the content within has not been changed. Recently, however, there has been a movement to alter the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment states " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The 2nd Amendment is part of our constitution and allows citizens if the United States to protect themselves. For this reason, it should…