When guns are kept in the hands of the people you can trust the law making it seem like safety is the priority for government officials as well. In the entitled, “Gun Control and the Constitution: Should we Amend the Second Amendment?” the author exclaims, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed” (Anonymous, 2nd amendment). Even though, some individuals do not use the guns the correct way it should not be terminated because it provides safety for others. Instead, people who are given guns should go through strict background checks in order to avoid conflicts. As stated in the second amendment citizens have the right to keep their guns with them, then why are questions aroused about it? The rights are guaranteed since the constitution was written and it was created for a certain reason. Furthermore, a high school student named David Rivera who attends High School for Construction Trades, Engineering and Architecture once stated, “I think one of the strongest reasons for allowing people to have guns with them would be to protect themselves but they should have a distance of how far they should travel with the guns unless they are going to a range. Also, by giving guns to citizens we are guaranteeing rights to citizens up …show more content…
In an article entitles, “Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment?” it states, “… and Chicago that effectively banned Civilian ownership of handguns.” (Anonymous, para. 7). Without doubt, many countries and places don’t have a chance to protect themselves with guns. Yet, should we keep the guns for our safety? Seemingly guns can create both a positive and negative effect. While many citizens are against having guns at a moment’s notice, guns are serving as a protection for our country. People are not paying attention to the issues, that guns allow safety for many and ensure that everyone is given what they deserve. As an interviewer, one questioned was asked to a high school student Harmanpreet Kaur which was concerning, the importance of allowing Americans to keep guns for self defense, goes beyond and creates negative effects in the country. The answer we got as a reply was, “I disagree with this statement because guns not only have a negative impact but a positive impact by saving lives of one’s family. If guns are used for self defense they can even save the lives your family.” Clearly, as a young American citizen Kaur chose the path of keeping guns for the safety of individuals. As you can see, guns may seem very harmful, but they create a very beneficial