Argumentative Essay On Mass Shootings

Superior Essays
Mass Shootings The anti-gun crowd would like us to believe that with more guns, comes more gun violence, but since more and more states have allowed people to carry a side arm, crime has declined. Can these things be a mere coincidence? Perhaps, but even if that’s true, it still proves that allowing law abiding citizens to be armed does not increase crime, and suggest that it contributes to lowering it instead (Federal Bureau of Investigation, n.d.). Something else to ponder is where do mass shootings occur? Anyone that has lived long enough, and remembers seeing many of these atrocities unfold in the news, can quickly state that they seem to happen in crowded gun free areas, such as schools. It doesn’t seem so hard to understand that …show more content…
If one person does not feel that owning firearms is right for them, they don’t have to buy them, but they should not attempt to tell someone else that because they don’t want a gun, the other person shouldn’t have one either. Most importantly, the second amendment must be preserved. There are those who feel since the wording on the bill of rights says to “form a well-armed militia” and since America has a fine full time fighting force the need for a militia is no longer present, and they would have a pretty good argument. But reflecting back on the George Washington’s letter in the Federalist papers, and the Supreme Court ruling, the right to keep and bear arms is about so much more than being able to stand up an army. An unarmed people can more easily lose their freedoms, without fear of the people rising up and fighting back, a tyrannical government can easily limit, if not totally eliminate the right to free speech, the right to a jury trial, the right of reasonable privacy and so on. Or to be more blunt, without the fear of the people standing up and fighting back, they can take any and all our freedoms, at which point, they can easily shift into a full communist style

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