The First Great Awakening was a revival by Presbyterian churches to liven up their sermons and engage the congregation by use of enthusiastic techniques. The evangelist as they were called preached to groups of people at large open-air meetings that were boisterous and uncontrolled. Their message was about trusting one’s heart rather than head to be truly religious, they also preached that feelings were more important than thinking and encouraged their followers to rely on bible reading more than reason, but these teachings were more in response to the Age of Enlightenment movement. The group also continued to spread the Calvinist views of the original sin and salvation by the grace of God, but they spread the message in dramatic sermons…
The First Great Awakening was a series of religious turbulences throughout North America. The Great Awakening was a reaction to the diminishing of Calvinist beliefs in the colonies as the beliefs of Rationalism and Deism were on the rise. The First Great Awakening was mostly associated with the Protestant preacher Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan Edwards essentially believed that all humans were inherent sinners and that we are all sinners in the hands of an Angry God. Edwards preached highly…
The Great Awakening is a historical event that happened in 1740 to 1742. According to the author, Edwin Gaustad, this was “perhaps the most profound religious revival in the history of the New World.” Gaustad was born in Rowley, Iowa on November 14, 1923 and died at the age of 87 on March 25, 2011. He studied at Baylor and Brown University, and became a Professor of History at the University of California, Riverside. Gaustad published several books in the span of his life, but the one in…
Jonathan Edwards and His Role in the Great Awakening Intro In American history, one of the earliest major events was the first Great awakening. Many different preachers assisted in spreading the Great Awakening throughout the colonies. Jonathan Edwards carried on the revival of his grandfather, Solomon Stoddard in North Hampton church in the North Hampton Revival (1733-1735). Englishman, George Whitefield (1740-1770) was the best-known and most widely traveled evangelist of the time and…
Great Awakenings and the Separation of Church and State The concept of separating church and state did not arise from the Great Awakening. However, the Great Awakening influenced political and religious leaders that the two entities should be separated because they threaten the civil and religious liberties that the colonist had grown to expect over 150 years of neglect. The Great Awakening was a spiritual movement that swept through America that stressed individual personal relationship with…
The Second Great Awakening This religious revival movement explored the role of ideas, beliefs and cultures that played into shaping the United States. Beginning in the 1790s, conservative theologians tried to fight the spread of religious rationalism and church establishments tried to revitalize their organizations. The Second Great Awakening gained momentum by 1800 and membership rose quickly among Baptist and Methodist congregations whose preachers led the movement. It was essentially a…
Before the Great Awakening, Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen, a German pastor’s son, born on November 6, 1692 in Lingen, Germany answered the call to theology. Shortly thereafter, whether answering a call from God, or at the urging of the Reverend Sicco Tjady, Frelinghuysen came to America, because the Dutch population needed ministers,/ along with his wife Eva Terhune, a farmer 's daughter; and five sons that all entered the ministry, and two daughters that married clergymen./ Frelinghuysen’s…
The Great Awakening began around the 1730s continued through the 1740s, which was also considered the peak of the Great Awakening. The first Great Awakening in America caused a tremendous religious up roar among the colonies. After the Awakening occurred many thought of it as the event that shocked colonist and awoke their religious relationships. However, many believe it did more than just awake the religiously asleep it was also thought to have awoken the agricultural, economical, cultural,…
The first Great Awakening was a Protestant religious recovery that cleared Protestant Europe and England in the 1740s. A zealous and renewal development, it cleared out a changeless effect on American Protestantism.The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious recovery in the mid nineteenth century in the U.S. The development started around 1790, picked up by 1800 and, after 1820, participation climbed quickly among Baptist and Methodist assemblies whose preachers drove the development.…
By the beginning of the 18th century, the American Colonies had certainly forgotten their religious prosperity. The people felt as if they could make their way without relying on God for help. The Great Awakening was a religious movement through Protestant Europe, and the American Colonies. It became an evangelistic movement occurring in Germany, Scotland, and England. The movement was a result of the powerful preaching that made people believe they needed their sins to be forgiven by Jesus…