Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

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    of being strict in religious discipline. They believed that God has the power for everything. They are very uncompromising when it came to their religion and beliefs. Puritans honored God above all, and a Puritan’s priority is to serve God first. Puritans would not do what they believe was good, but what was good in God’s sight. Puritans believe that God is the decision maker for every action they make. To understand the Puritan society, you must first understand the individual role of a Puritan. This sermon, “ Sinners in The Hands of an Angry God” written by Jonathan Edwards takes place in 1741. Edwards spread his religious beliefs to those who are still unconverted. He tells his listeners which consist of Catholics and Christians that God is very angry. He asks that his listeners should accept Him into their hearts. He uses words to stir up emotions within his listeners, and bring fear into those who…

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    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God A Persuasion Analysis of the Persuasion in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards famous work entitled Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a sermon that was given on the eighth of July in the year 1741. This sermon was preached to a congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts. Although this particular sermon seems to have a dark and gloomy idea and perception of religion, it left many in tears and wanting to hear more. The purpose of…

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    During the 1700s the time of Awakening, a pastor called Edwards wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Edward read the sermon, as he always did in a composed style with few gestures or movement.He purposely wrote that to the people who haven’t learn or accept God to become Christian before it is too late. To persuade Sinner into Christianity, Jonathan Edwards most effectively appeals to man’s emotions through simile and fearful imagery to show what will they become if they did not become…

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  • Improved Essays

    Jonathan Edwards, the author of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, wrote vivid sermons about the Puritan religion and the destiny that awaited those who did not accept Jesus as their savior. He was an enthusiastic writer that wanted people to clearly hear his messages. Jonathan Edwards wrote this piece over 300 years ago in an era where religion was very strict and there were distinct beliefs that were followed. Darrow’s claim acknowledges the sharp and cynical tone and attitude that…

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    Through “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Jonathan Edwards uses ethos and pathos to instill fear into the congregation so they will accept God into their lives. The fear he uses is created with imagery, metaphors, and similes. Edwards leads the congregation to believe they are all sinners and they should fear Hell unless they follow the path God paved for them. With this fear comes heavy convincing from Edwards to the people of the congregation to do as God says, for he has the power to do…

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  • Improved Essays

    When Jonathan Edwards wrote, from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, he wrote it to emphasize three main points. The three main points being: we are all sinners and not perfect, we have a dependence on God, and we have a vision of hope. Edwards writes his prompt in a fearing way; however, he ends it with hope. According to Edwards, we all depend on God. Edwards uses many different examples to show our dependence on God like, “if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly…

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  • Improved Essays

    3. The author and title of this sermon is Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards. This piece was written in a time where God was highly regarded and that if you weren't a devout Christian you would burn in the flames of hell. It was written in the 1600s and Edwards was a Puritan minister that was very loyal to God. This quote clearly provides insight on how much religion and God played into your life and just how much power God had over you. If it weren't for God, "holding you…

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    While reading the well-known sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God given by Jonathan Edwards I continued to wonder how the members of the church felt as they listened to what he had to say. I feel as though based off of the puritan beliefs that a typical puritan sermon would consist of how to get closer to God and finding God in ones life, however this is opposite of the sermon that Edwards delivered. His sermon was very much centered on the idea of hell and how any sinful act will lead…

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    3. In this excerpt by Jonathon Edward's, "A sinner in the Hands of an Angry God," Edwards, as a prominent Puritan leader and minister, emphasizes that God is angry and death can happen at any moment. Within his sermon, Edwards warns that is "nothing but the meer Pleasure of God" that keeps a person from falling into the depths of hell. He emphasizes this point to persuade his congregation to truly give themselves to God. While many may keep the pretense of good Christians, it is only through…

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    In his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Jonathan Edwards preaches about God’s mighty wrath, and what will happen if it is invoked. This sermon, published in 1741, was a product of the Great Awakening, a time of vast religious revival. After universally deciding that many colonists had lost touch with their faith, many preachers and church-goers alike found themselves with a renewed zeal for religion. This kind of writing bolstered the Puritan belief that hell was a very real…

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