Pondering this request, the dragon snorted and looked Ged straight in the eyes, determining if he was lying or not "And, what is to say you will keep your promise?" Questioned the dragon. Filled with a sense of confidence, he did what only a mad man would do. "I swear on the River Styx!" He commanded! Realizing the boy was serious, swearing on the most sacred river there is, he began to display his knowledge of the shadow, following in his footsteps. Unknowing to Ged, one of the younger dragons was creeping upon him. Ready to attack Sparrow hawk's hairs stuck up, alerting him of danger. "And dragon, one last request" Asked Ged. "What is it you wish for, young wizard?" Boomed the dragon, flames raking from its mouth. "What is behind me?" Called out Ged.…
Nothing made much sense in the clan. Items would go missing and would be found stuck upside down on the ceiling of the old crumbled castle rubble they called home. It was an old battlefield so ancient that some of the dragons gossiped and wondered if the grounds were cursed and haunted by unrestful spirits, rageful, and murderous. The tales and rumors that spread throughout the clan made the dragons weary and frightened. A strangely dressed Pearlcatcher wandered upon the clan one day, his…
Deep in the heart of the Icewarden's domain, frozen in place for an unknowable number of years, motionless, a dragon suddenly stirred at the approach of another. Eyes, having not seen for years, begin to crack open; scales, fused together by the unforgiving cold of ice, begin to shift; bones, immobile for so long begin to creak. The frozen dragon slowly, meticulously, raises its (previously bowed) head, bleary eyes settling on the first dragon to pass it by for what may have been centuries. The…
The knight lifted his sword amidst the dragon's flaming breath; finally the last obstacle in his way was being confronted. He swung at the dragon but missed as it maneuvered quickly, this would be a difficult fight indeed. After many attempts to strike the dragon the knight became less optimistic about the outcome of this battle. His reasoning was not as cowardly as it seemed as this was a completely ordinary dragon. What? Dragons are giant fire breathing beasts that can fly, why would it need…
Becoming the Dragon, by Alex Sapegin, sets up the story of Andy Kerimov, a regular teenager with a unique relationship to electricity. After accidentally wandering within range of a military experiment, Andy is hurled from our world into the fantastical land of Ilanta. Forced to overcome the challenges of this new environment, Andy quickly discovers that there’s more to him – and his destiny – than meets the eye. Filled with colorful characters and endlessly inventive creatures, Becoming the…
Becoming the Dragon, the independently published, introductory novel of the The Dragon Inside series by Alex Sapegin, is a magical fantasy story set mostly on another planet called Ilanta and follows the adventures of Andy Kerimov as he metamorphoses from intrepid teen into a mighty and majestic dragon. Andy mishappens on an interdimensional time rift that sends him from the world of his loving family into a ferocious, otherworldly wilderness full of enchanted creatures, myriads of magic and…
to Train Your Dragon and the Relevance to the Promethean Myth How to Train Your Dragon is a child’s adventure story that follows a boy, Hiccup, who is a misfit in a Viking community. Hiccup is scrawny, unlike most of the Vikings. He is always making a mess with every situation. Hiccup wants to fit in and to do so he must kill dragons like the rest of the community. The community of Burke all know hiccup, and with this knowledge they try to keep him working during the dragon attacks because he…
The Little Dragon The dragon hissed and snarled at the sheep carcass with with all the hate and loathing its small body could produce. The soggy fleece and all the meat inside was his. He had found it, he had chased it, and he had killed it. Yet still it struggled, refusing to move as he attempted to drag it from the riverbank to somewhere dry and comfortable where he could properly enjoy his prize. Worse, its woolly hair came free in clumps as he'd pulled savagely at it with his jaws…
Once upon a time, there is a powerful and magnificent dragon guarding a stone castle where his princess lives. He is bigger than any other animal in the world; he can see in the dark and his ears can hear even the lightest whisper. When he flaps his wings, the wind roars through forests and animals go quiet. His intelligence and wisdom exceeds that of humans since he has roamed the Earth for thousands of years. Not a single man has made it to the castle alive for the dragon breathes fire and is…
them!” Growled a strong brown dragon. “If we keep them in the dark for too much longer they won't have enough time.” The black dragon in front of her thought for a moment then said. “You are correct, but we can't just send them a message, we have to ask the council.” “But you’re second in command! Can't you do something!” The brown dragon said desperately. “I'm sorry Amber,there's not much I can do, I can talk to the Queen and try to get her to agree with us but that's all. If she says no I…