Life, death, and reincarnation are the recurring theme of the most notable poem “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” by Emily Dickinson. Throughout the poem Dickinson traces her descent sanity into madness which has made the poem terrifying for both the speaker and the reader. At the beginning of the poem, Dickinson has express her feeling of grief and pain through the use of an extended metaphor, “felt a funeral in the brain” and in rest of the poem, she lives a life, passes away, and reborn again into this world making choice between a world full of trouble, pain or a heaven that brings solitude and peace. Besides, Dickinson through the poem explains many experiences of her into words that cannot be described very easily, which is why in order to replicate the feeling of insanity, she used wide variety of literary techniques that include symbolism, imagery, metaphor, simile, capitalization of words, use of dashes and different other structures. According to the first stanza of the poem, when Dickinson says "I felt" having the “I” in capital letter, a proper noun, shows that the speaker is talking about herself and her feelings, and "I felt a funeral, in my brain” bring the thought that could be Dickinson is dead, and actually she is the person who is having the funeral which is happening inside her brain. Although Dickinson is having the funeral she is not completely dead, some of her body parts are still active and functioning since she still can experience some of her body…
student Seung Hui Cho giving the rate of death 32. Had the same mind like Eric, no enjoyment whatsoever a blank expression. “Describe by ex classmate as loner who rarely spoken to anyone of mental health problems.” ( No Author “Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead” A&E Television Network) The doctors believe Eric was diagnosed as a psychopath because everyone thought he was going to be someone in the future, maybe ending like his dad to be in the marines, but once Dr. Fuselier have gone…
April 20, 1999, 24 people are injured and 15 people are killed including the shooters. The shooters are Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Nobody knows why they did it exactly. Some people say it was because of bullying, violent video games, or even ‘dark music’ bands. I believe that Eric was a psychopath and Dylan was just depressed and here’s why. Dylan Klebold was depressed. We know this from his diary entries as he talks about suicide many times. Dylan wrote in his journal: “Thinking of suicide…
“Beyond this place” (9) refers to the afterlife or after death. Line 10 says “Looms the Horror of the shade” with the “shade” again meaning death or hell. Then in line 11, Henley writes “the menace of the years”. Here he is talking about old age and the impending doom of his death. A summary of lines 9 through 11 is that the “place of wrath and tears” (9) is describing his trial-filled life, and even though the trials of life will end when he dies, there is only the doom of hell on the other…
slaughtered by the desolate environments that they were raised in. There is more visual openness in Stan’s scene compared to the scene with Stan’s wife and daughter. In this scene there is no blocking like there is in the scene with Stan’s wife and daughter as they are surrounded by walls and darkness. The openness of this scene represents the abundance of opportunities Stan encounters in the film with the possible affair, participation in murder, road trip, and job with the engine. The…
Beryllium General Characteristics According to Hornbostel (1991), Beryllium is a hard, exceptionally, lightweight, gray-white metal, corrosion resistant at ordinary temperatures; chemically it is related to aluminum. Other than titanium, it is the only light metal which has both good strength and a high melting point. Additionally, it is a good electrical conductor, has high modulus of elasticity, exceptionally transmit x-rays and sounds at very high velocities. Moreover, it has the ability to…
It is used in power generation, transmissionn, distribution, telecommunications etc. According to Wikipedia, around half of the copper which is mined throughout the world is used for electrical wiring and cables. It isnt however just used based on its electrical conductivity properties alone. It is chose because it has other benificial products as well. These include; high tensile strenght, ductility, corrosion resistant, low thermal expansion and is able to be soldered. So having these…
Magnesium Alloy: Microstructure Characteristics: Fig (8) : Shows the microstructure of Magnesium alloy. Picture source: Magnesium alloys have a hexagonal lattice structure. They are the lightest of all structural metals. Magnesium alloys possess a low galling tendency as a bearing surface in conjunction with shaft hardness above 400…
2. RESEARCH ON THE STRUCTURE OF METALS AND TYPES OF BONDING. What are metals? 24% of our planet’s mass is metal. They are used as mainly because of their properties; metals are strong, ductile, have high melting points and are excellent conductors of electricity. Other properties of metals are given below: • Can be made stronger by alloys and heat treatment. • Easily machined. • Most of them are heavy. • Susceptible to corrosion. Metals can be divided into two; Ferrous and Non-ferrous. Ferrous…
\end{itemize} \subsection{Formability of Light Weight Metals at Warm…