To understand the potential affect the deal could have had, it is crucial to understand its greatest proponents. WOLA (2016) lists that La FARC fighters would have disarmed, handing over their weapons to United Nations inspectors, who would ensure that the political group would give up their arms. They would have become a legal political party with five seats in both houses of congress in the 2018 and 2022 elections which would have had an impact on the political agenda of the country in the future. Another aspect is that those who confessed to their crimes in detail would not serve prison sentences, but they would have to help repair the country: clearing land mines, repairing infrastructure and helping victims. Then fighters who demobilized would receive financial support, temporarily earning a little less than minimum wage from the government to reintegrate into society. Lastly, La FARC would have to give up its financial assets which includes many cocaine and heroin plantations set across the rainforests in the South. Some of the main components are very controversial for many…
economy, various taxes proposed by the government, as well as, international crisis and foreign policy. The Speaker of the House of Commons will alternate between the party in power and the opposition so that both sides have a chance to call attention to various subjects of policy, as well as, hold the Prime Minister accountable. If a member of the government’s party is called upon to question first, then the leader of the opposition will ask his/her questions second. However, if the first MP…
On the 15th of June 2010 David Cameron’s delivered a prepared statement as an apology for the events of Bloody Sunday. A very challenging statement for a conservative PM to make as he had the challenge to make his speech very convincing to two groups of people, at the same time, with very different opinions on this very sensitive issue. This statement is a great example of the benefits of using a scripted language as opposed to spontaneous language. Mr Cameron was able to effectively use…
Margaret Thatcher, Often referred to as the Iron Lady by the Russians was the Prime Minister in Britain from 1979 to 1990. She was look upon by the British people with both respect and hate, either way she had a strong and successful career. Thatcher was not merely unpopular, she was very polarizing – some liked her, other disliked her. There are many reasons for why the British people hated and respected her. In the movie Pride, it is very clear why many people disliked her. Her economic…
Denis Thatcher was a very wealthy man. Later that same year they had two children Mark and Carol Thatcher. But in 1952 Margaret put politics aside to study law. After law school she gained the notice of the Conservation Party. Margaret Thatcher was called the Iron lady. When she was serving as a secretary of education in the 1970’s, Margaret ended the free milk program for school children between the ages of 7 and 11. Many politics in the media labeled her “Thatcher the milk snatcher” also Sun…
twentieth century prime minister. Margaret Thatcher is known, above all, for the aforementioned, but is also known for the work she did while in this prestigious office. Thatcher achieved many great feats while in office and fought for the things which she believed. Thatcher has impacted many lives with her work with foreign affairs, governmental practices, and setting the bar high for Britain’s female population by breaking norms and proving what an incredible woman she was. Margaret Hilda…
of the modern world, it is difficult to define exactly what democracy is due to the varying ways of governing present in the world. In this paper, I will compare England and Germany according to Lijphart’s models of majoritarian and consensus democracies. In Lijphart’s model, there are two main ideas in which these two systems differ: how easy it is for a single party to take control of the government and how much a party can change policy once they have control of the government. The first…
night was frustrated desire, because I would never be able to satisfy my need to run my hands over Rosa’s body to penetrate her secrets, to release the green fountain of her hair and plunge into its deepest water” (36-37). After Rosa’s death, Trueba feels no need to go back to the mines and decides it would be better to return to Tres Marias, part of the country side, and make it once again an abundant land. Much later into the book Trueba seems not satisfied with his wealthiness that he has…
family lived on the second floor ( Editors). She grew up in a lower middle class environment, which influenced her political agenda in the future, letting her realize it was possible to work your way out of lower classes. She was introduced to politics at a rather young age because her father was a member of the town council, and when she went off to college, she became the president of Oxford University’s Conservative Association ( Editors). This early exposure and…
She was « the best man in England », he was « the second most important man in my life ». These were the terms Reagan and Thatcher have used to talk about each other. The two heads of states came to power almost at the same time, bringing a wave of neoliberalism over their countries. They shared many features, being outsiders of the political scene, Reagan as a former Hollywood actor and Thatcher, a woman - the only one in the Conservative Party - , grocer’s daughter and provincial when most of…