(1.) A. B. 2. (3.) The percentage of Allison’s egg cells that she produces during her lifetime that will carry the recessive allele and the X chromosome is seventy five percent. For the fact, twenty five percent of the cell will carry homozygous recessive allele and X chromosome, the other fifty percentage will carry heterozygous recessive allele and X chromosome. (4.) A. Twenty Five Percent B. No. C. (X)R (X)r (X)R (X)R(X)R - Female homozygous dominant (X)R(X)r - Female heterozygous (Y)r (X)R(Y)r – Male heterozygous (X)r(Y)r – Male homozygous recessive Since the row for the mother and the column for the father both have heterozygous for Tay Sachs, it indicates they are Rr. The father has XX and the mother has XY. Out of the four possibilities only one can be a heterozygous male. As a result of the calculation, there is a twenty five percent chance of having a boy who is heterozygous for the TAY-Sachs gene Locus. Therefore, he will not have the Tay-Sachs disease. 5. A. There is a chance, yes. B. Woman’s Parents (Mom and Dad) (X)R (X)r (X)r (X)R(X)r (X)r(X)r (Y)r (X)R(Y)r (X)r(Y)r Example 1 with Father (X)R (X)r (X)r (X)R(X)r (X)r(X)r (Y)r (X)R(Y)r (X)r(Y)r Example 2 with Father (X)r (X)r (X)r (X)r(X)r (X)r(X)r (Y)r (X)r(Y)r (X)r(Y)r They have two possibilities for the daughter alleles. For the fact, the mother is heterozygous and the father is homozygous recessive. As a result of the mother being…
Fill out the main form completely and staple any corresponding proofs of expense, such as receipts, to the form. Once filled out have Bishop sign it. Receiving When you receive a reimbursement form there are a few things to double check. Make sure that there is proof of expense, that it is signed by Bishop, and that they wrote the correct amounts on the form The most important thing to double check is that they included some kind of proof of expense with the form. The best proof of expense…
This allows us to directly compare our explored shape to the shape that is being commercially used. We will use the symbol “γ_B^e” as our shape factor for elastic bending and “γ_B^f” as our shape factor for failure in bending. As mentioned, we constraint our thickness and width for our solid rectangle to be 0.0124m (k) and 0.178m (w), respectively. γ_B^e=I_(explored shape)/I_(solid shape) =I_(explored shape)/□((wk^3)/12)=I_(explored shape)/□(((0.178)〖(0.0124)〗^3)/12)=I_(explored…
The Follow Through “How could you have messed up so badly?” My mother’s words rang in my ears. “How could you have done this? You told me everything was fine!” After all those awful months, all the work, it was all for nothing. I wasn’t going to Berklee anymore. I had originally auditioned back in February of 2014, hoping I would be starting school in the fall of the same year. When I got my acceptance letter, I was ecstatic. Happy as I may have been, I decided I would postpone my…
table. Some times it helps a lot to make one. A table is just an arrangement of rows with columns. Making a table is just one way of organizing information that you know. Below is an example of a table: Number if minutes talked Cost of phone call 1 .25 2 .43 3 .61 4 .79 5 .97 Another problem solving strategies is to use a special case. A special case is an instance of a pattern used for some definite purpose. Special cases help to test weather a property or generalization is true. The only…
the moment it zero here is at L/2. The moment at L/2 is only zero during line-contact. Due to the symmetric nature of the buckling sequence, line-contact repeats here throughout the course of loading. Figure 5.12 Shapes of 6in3w column undergoing 1-2 modal transition with areas with 0 moment highlighted in red Below is the simulation for the bi-laterally constrained column. Here line-contact was solved for analytically, and is highlighted in red. This system goes through the same modal…
seen my post has also seen me lie to them not knowing if the post was accurate or not. The post was just one person’s hoax about winning the lottery and there were tons of misinformation very similar to the one I had shared. My example about how I had mistakenly like and shared, is a great example of misinformation about how I had led someone else into a bad outcome. I couldn 't imagine how many people out of the millions are sharing the wrong information to the community. Since Facebook has…
Start out by printing out a copy of your revised paper so you will be able to make changes and write on it. Next start to go through your paper several different times and each time you go through you look for something different. Maybe the first time you look for grammar and then go through periods and commas, then missed spelled words, and overusing words. This will fix anything you might have missed you could also have someone else double check your work as well. Then go back one last time a…
UnLike AETG, pairs in PROW can either be visited once, more than once or not visited. This result occurred because PROW support constarint in their algorithm. CTWeb is a combinational testing tool for web application. The relationship between CTWeb and PROW is, CTWeb implemented PROW algorithm along with other algorithms in their development. Test parameter and parameter value was insert into CTWeb in two ways, manually or upload the value file. CTWeb also support constraints and weight where…
Herbie is a perfect illustration of a constraint in the book because he was slow. His slow nature made difficult for Alex to control the whole team. His slowness created gabs between him and the other boys in the line. Through the hike Alex learns a simple process that will help him turn his plant in the right direction. The example also highlights dependable events and statistical fluctuations. Statistical fluctuations mean that, most of the factors that are critical to operating a plant…