when he made another announcement stating that he had been HIV positive for 6 years and keeping it in control. 8. Chuck Panozzo. Chuck Panozzo broke fans’ hearts when he announced that he was guy and living with HIV and AIDS in 2001. Since then, he became an active person in the promotion of AIDS awareness. 9. Danny Pintauro. The last time we see Danny Pintauro is on a 2015 episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now and it was also during that time where he revealed that he had HIV. He was diagnosed in 2003. 10. Robbin Crosby. Guitarist of Ratt, Robbin Crosby, revealed that he was diagnosed with HIV in 1994. In 2001, he announced that the diagnosis had already progressed into AIDS which required him to…
There are many challenges associated with disclosing one’s positive HIV/AIDS status to a sexual partner. This is due to cultural reasons such as fear of rejection; including partner abandonment and lack of community support. Nonetheless, what does this mean in terms of possible safe sex practices with individuals who choose not to disclose their positive status after unprotected sex with their partners? Although there are federal laws that protect the confidentiality of HIV-related information.…
"If you knew I was HIV positive would you still treat me as an equal, would you still be my friend, would you still touch me, would you still love me?” These are some of the thoughts that go through the minds of the millions of people worldwide who are currently living with HIV/AIDS. Despite the mass impact of the disease, many still remain ignorant to its definition, history, and effects, leading to the negative associations of those affected. I’m here to give you a brief enlightenment of…
HIV and Aids are known diseases, yet few people actually understand what they are. It is important to know the facts about HIV and Aids, so that one can understand how treatment works. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is similar to many other viruses, like the virus that causes the “flu.” However, the body can fight against the virus that causes the “flu” but can’t fight against HIV. This is because HIV weakens the immune system by destroying T-cells or CD4 cells, which are…
Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that weakens the immune system making the individual more susceptible to diseases and other viruses. Unlike most viruses the human immune system is unable to fight HIV and it may eventually lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS (MORE ON AIDS) (‘What Is HIV/AIDS?’ 2015). HIV cases in Australia is beginning to increase after a great reduction during the 1990’s and it is most common among men who have sex with men, this means that women…
implications of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS, or human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is life-threatening disease that affects millions of people throughout the…
Do you know for sure if you are HIV negative? Have you ever been tested for HIV/AIDS? These are questions people should know and ask themselves periodically. If rattled by those questions you are at risk for many diseases. Especially since the average person doesn’t know their status. That’s why society should become informed about one of the most fatal STDs … HIV/AIDS. Being aware of the causes, effects, and ways to prevent HIV/AIDS is crucial so that it won’t be left to the imagination. HIV…
Impact of Social Services on People Living with HIV is Scarce It is essential to analyze the broad affect that a social service has on peoples lives when trying to understand its impact. Unfortunately there is not a lot of research that has been conducted in this area. Bataganya et al. (2015), researched the affects of social service interventions on five different outcomes for people living with HIV in order to gain a better understanding of how people’s lives can be changed through HIV…
exclusion and Isolation associated with HIV/AIDS: People who are living with HIV/AIDS have to face a tremendous amount of stigma, discrimination and social exclusion and isolation due to their underlying condition. These discriminations and stigmas can manifest themselves at various levels like in the family by the members of the family, in the surrounding society and at work place etc. There have been various studies which have proved that having an HIV positive status leads to increased social…
Differences in HIV Epidemics between Swaziland and New York City A. Introduction We live in the era of HIV epidemic, and various types of epidemics are seen in the world. New York City (NYC) is one of the city in the United States that has highest prevalence, representing approximately 10 % of national HIV/AIDS prevalence.1 The prevalence rate in NYC is 485.9 per 100,000 person in 2012,2 estimated incidence case in 2012 as 1248,3 and new HIV diagnoses rate in 2011 as 41.6 per 100,000 persons.4…