Engineering is the profession in which knowledge of mathematical, physical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment and careful investigation in order to develops ways to utilize economically, the resources and forces of nature to benefit mankind and improve its condition. Engineering bases its principles on applied sciences and engineers use these principles acquired through education and experience to come up with safe designs that meet the needs of society. Petroleum engineering is a much newer field which essentially developed from geology and geophysics to take a life on its own. Petroleum engineering uses the ideas and knowledge acquired from geosciences and brings them to life by creating…
When interviewing Laurie Taxiarchou she answered back to a couple of questions asked about being prepared and what it takes. She said “For petroleum engineers a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering is preferred, but you can also get in with degrees in Mechanical engineering, Chemical engineering, Chemical engineering or Environmental engineering”. Classes required to become an engineer are algebra, trigonometry, calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics ( Most of these classes…
The main companies I was hoping to talk to were Apache, Halliburton, and Schlumberger. They are all great oil companies, and as a petroleum engineering major I hope to get a job or internship with them. Internships and experience are becoming more and more important as the oil and gas market continues to fluctuate. Apache is an oil and gas exploration company based in Houston, Texas. Apache is a global company with oil reservoirs all over the world. Although most of their oils till comes from…
Guide to Petroleum Programs Deciding where to go to college is perhaps the biggest decision a high school student will ever make. The average student determined to pursue a degree in petroleum engineering will need to choose the right college for them. Selecting a university can be overwhelming as high school prospects do not often know what factors to take into account. Colleges can be analyzed in three main areas: academics, student life, and financial factors. Each of these topics can then be…
major accountors in the implementation of local content in petroleum contracts. This discussion is important because as the NCDMB is charged with the enforcement accountability, the IOCs as the investors, license-holders and awarders of oil contracts are charged with the compliance accountability. The IOCs’ main functions in the industry are conducted through joint ventures, production-sharing and service contracts. In chapter three the study introduced the classification of local content…
Nano-engineering can be employed in Sasol co. to improve their existing polymer product line. This would not only benefit the company but would also increase clients’ product satisfaction. Incorporation of different nanoreinforcements such as layered silicate clays, carbon nanotubes, nanofibers and silica nanoparticles into elastomers significantly enhances their mechanical, thermal, dynamic mechanical and barrier properties. Noticeable improvements in adhesion, rheological and processing…
British Petroleum took a massive hit to public image, brand name, and to the overall prosperity of the company, following the oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010. The spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico near the Mississippi River Delta, at the Deepwater Horizon Oil Facility (Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill). Since this horrific incident, which basically crippled the company, they have been employing numerous tactics to try to recover from it. There are two categories in which one can place…
energy, and they took millions of years to become so. When they 're gone, they 're gone pretty much forever" ("The End Of Fossil Fuels"). Most modern scientists and petroleum engineers believe fossil fuels will be gone by 2088. Fossil…
that they can overcome obstacles along their way to a bigger success through hard work. The state-owned trading company which was established by the Government of Nepal, has been the sole supplier and distributor of various petroleum products in the country since 1970 up to the present. Bunker fuel, diesel fuel, jet fuel, gasoline, detergent, plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibers, paint, fertilizers and pesticides are only few of the products which contain petroleum. This natural…
Oil plays an important economic and social role in Venezuela. The country earns $15 to $20 billion per year in oil revenues, constituting between 75 and 80 percent of Venezuela's total exports. Taxes, royalties and dividends from PDVSA represent roughly 50 percent of all government revenues. Oil activity directly and indirectly generates around 40 percent of national economic activity. (Giusti) The oil impacts on Venezuelas economy can be broken down into three concentric circles. The first…