Christiaan Huygens was a Dutch Mathematician and Scientist in the late 17th century. It becomes difficult at this stage to be any more specific than that, as his achievements are in fields so varied and so far-reaching that the only description of him that fits is ‘polymath’. Indeed, we are only learning of some achievements today, as his reticence to publish many of his works kept many of them from seeing the light of day for quite some time (Igorevich). He was born in the cold April of 1626 in The Hague, located it what is now the Netherlands, to an influential Dutch family. He was the families’ third and penultimate child, as his mother passed away in the process of giving birth to his younger sister. His father, Constantijn Huygens, was a well-known poet and composer and advisor to two of the Princes of Orange. Constantijn was a very well-educated man, and he passed those qualities off to his son. Christiaan was homeschooled until the age of 16, receiving a liberal education from his father which included mathematics, logic, rhetoric, dancing, and horse riding (University of St Andrews). Constantijn’s political presence attracted many noblemen to his house, including René Descartes, whose presence may have influences a growing Christiaan. Christiaan’s intellect was apparent from a very early age, so much so that his father christened him ‘Mon Archimede’ (My Archimedes); and by the time he was nine years old, His Archimedes spoke fluent Latin and was branching out into…
Vy is considered a lone wolf by her family and friends. She is usually seen by herself at family gatherings or socials, but once you get to know her she really opens up. Vy may be seen distance to even her relatives. Nevertheless, her loyalty is strong and she remains extremely close to her little cousins. I give Vy a lot of independence because I trust that she will use it to her advantages. She is more mature than others her age. Since Vy keeps everything to herself, she handles her…
Before she moved across town to serve the Vermeer family, Griet, the main character, had a close bond with her family. Her mother, sister Agnes and Griet would laugh during their daily chores and she would explore the city of Delft, their dutch hometown, with her two beloved siblings, Agnes and Frans. She was able to talk and confide in her father, who helped her gain perspective and wisdom. Everything changed as Griet’s family found misfortune when her father, a tiler in Delft, lost his…
Classic cars embody the zeitgeist of the era from which they came. The design of the fins and fenders, the materials, and even the colors all give an indication of when a classic car was made. Restoring this type of automobile to its original beauty, therefore, takes time, expert knowledge, and patience. If you’ve located a classic car that you’d like to restore, here are some of the repairs you’ll want to make plus some advice on where to go to find what you need. Get to Know Your Car Angie’s…
The follies is a fun and memorable event to experience. Many citizens of Mason City would recommend that you attend the follies. Each and every student in the follies works very hard on their act. The follies are held each year and it is a event that many people attend. The follies has made Mason City more exciting, made an event for people to see, and it created another fun activity for citizens to do. The follies take place in the month of February and have been occurring for a very long…
Over lunch one day, Lee Blocker told Bill about some land outside of Elgin that he wanted to develop. Nancy Lou and Bill drove to Elgin with their three children and were greeted by a downtown with all the first story windows broken out and boarded up, and many of the second story windows were broken with pigeons roosting in them. She remembers what a dreary place it seemed and said to Blocker, “If we come to live here, I will have to do everything in my power to revitalize this downtown.” In…
Distillery Tour WHAT: Round up your friends and expand your world of spirits this weekend at the Frankfort Spirits Distillery Tour. You and your friends will have a great time as you enjoy a unique distillery excursion. You will experience firsthand how spirits are made, how to properly taste them, as well as what makes craft spirits special. During your tour, you will get to enjoy a variety of sample-sized handcrafted cocktails as you explore their sensational flavors and properties.…
Pontiac 389 Tri Power V-8 What makes it a Classic: The Pontiac 389 Tri Power V-8 Often it's difficult to determine if an old car is truly a classic. However, if you're looking at automobiles from the [Pontiac Motor Division of General Motors], it's a little easier. If you pop the hood on a late 50s or 60s Pontiac of any model and a Tri Power 389 V-8 is staring back at you, you've just found yourself a classic. Join me as we talk about one of Pontiac's [greatest engines of all time]. We'll…
I chose this question because my dad collects classic cars and I frequently see catalogs that come in the mail that are filled with parts for all sorts of car parts. I know my mom gets on my dad a lot about buying too many parts at a time because they can get very pricey. Why are the parts to pricey? I know that the parts themselves are fairly simple and much less complex than a part you would find for a new car. I assume that car parts are so pricey because the parts simply aren’t made anymore.…
Everybody knows Audrey Hepburn as a famous actress and model, but not many people know her background. Her childhood was definitely not pleasant in fact, it was very corrupt while growing up in Brussels, Belgium with World War 2 being in effect. The war caused her childhood to change in many directions. However, that did not stop her from losing hope and determination for her future. Hepburn was brought into the world on May 4, 1929, in Brussels, Belgium. She was born from a Dutch mother, Ella…